Small number of Owners


GT Owner
Jun 20, 2006
Sebring, Florida
I was wondering out of almost 4000 cars why so few owners have regiestered on this site. I was not aware of it until after I bought my car but found by doing a search. I have gotten agreat deal of information form reading all the posts some was funny, stupid, but most of all it has been informative. I have never owned an exotic car before and I have found it reassuring to find a group with such varied experience in this field so willing to share information. Thanks to DBK for puttiing this together.


GT Owner
Jul 2, 2006
Forums are not for everyone. I think you would be surprised to find out how many owners "lurk" on the site and just don't bother to register. Who knows what their reasons are, but unless they have a reason to ask a question, then they might not register.

On my forum, we have about 11,000 users and many of them do not own a Factory Five Cobra. They are doing research to build/buy one or are just Cobra enthusiast. I'm sure the same thing happens here.

At any given time, I'll have between 250 to 800 users visiting the forum, but just 50% or less are registered. Go to the front page of this forum and I bet you will see the same thing happening.

OK, I just checked.... 36 people are reading the site and just 20 are registered. So does that mean the other 16 own GT's? Maybe. Or they could be researching the car before they buy one. Or they could just be enthusiasts.

So how do you get people to register? Give them a reason to register and make them feel comfortable.

1.) Make people feel welcome, even if they don't own a GT yet. This forum is pretty mild, but some automotive forums can be brutal to newbies. To prevent newbies from being humiliated by long-time members, you need to set a good tone and I think this site does a great job of doing that.

Don't belittle someone if they ask a question that has been asked a million times. Either answer the question, or stay out of the discussion. But don't ever say, "USE THE SEARCH BUTTON". They do that all of the time on the FerrariChat and CorvetteForum site and it drives me nuts. Newbies don't want to risk being trashed in public.

2.) Make the site user freindly. If the site is hard to use or hard to register, then users will not take the time to use the site. Overall, this site is pretty good. However, I think the pictures at the top of "the fold" on the front page may throw some people off and they leave before seeing the forums below "the fold". I would have the gallery pages hosted somewhere else.

An entry page to the site would help. Go to and notice that we all use entry pages with some news. In my case, I also reward users with the chance to have their car highlighted as the "Picture of the Month". People love to see their car in lights! I've been doing that for 4 years and the guys never get tired of seeing a cool photo of a Cobra. I'm very picky about the photos and use them at the end of the year to make a calender for the next year. (Great way to raise money for the site.)

3.) Keep the spam out. If you police the site good, you won't have idiots posting spam. Sometimes visitors see spam or vendor posts and leave the site thinking the site is geared to sell you something.

4.) I go a little further than most sites, but I really want to make sure any user will feel welcome. So I created a "FFCobra Bill of Rights" and make all users read it. This keeps the general population happy and allows anyone to visit the site without being put off.

As an example, although I love beautiful woman, I don't allow pictures that would offend another user. This means thinking about children and wives before allowing the picture. Or at least warn the users in the headline about the graphic nature. I think this site does a great job in this area.

5.) Give them a reason. Like the free picture hosting. That's a great idea.

So lurkers... what say you? :D

- Bill

Bart Carter

GT Owner
Mar 12, 2006
Las Vegas
Having a FFR Cobra and belonging to many sites, including Bill's, he is right on.

FWIW, Bill has one of the best sites I have ever seen. :thumbsup


Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 5, 2005
Fresno, Ca.
FFCobra said:
Forums are not for everyone. I think you would be surprised to find out how many owners "lurk" on the site and just don't bother to register. Who knows what their reasons are, but unless they have a reason to ask a question, then they might not register.

On my forum, we have about 11,000 users and many of them do not own a Factory Five Cobra. They are doing research to build/buy one or are just Cobra enthusiast. I'm sure the same thing happens here.

At any given time, I'll have between 250 to 800 users visiting the forum, but just 50% or less are registered. Go to the front page of this forum and I bet you will see the same thing happening.

OK, I just checked.... 36 people are reading the site and just 20 are registered. So does that mean the other 16 own GT's? Maybe. Or they could be researching the car before they buy one. Or they could just be enthusiasts.

So how do you get people to register? Give them a reason to register and make them feel comfortable.

1.) Make people feel welcome, even if they don't own a GT yet. This forum is pretty mild, but some automotive forums can be brutal to newbies. To prevent newbies from being humiliated by long-time members, you need to set a good tone and I think this site does a great job of doing that.

Don't belittle someone if they ask a question that has been asked a million times. Either answer the question, or stay out of the discussion. But don't ever say, "USE THE SEARCH BUTTON". They do that all of the time on the FerrariChat and CorvetteForum site and it drives me nuts. Newbies don't want to risk being trashed in public.

2.) Make the site user freindly. If the site is hard to use or hard to register, then users will not take the time to use the site. Overall, this site is pretty good. However, I think the pictures at the top of "the fold" on the front page may throw some people off and they leave before seeing the forums below "the fold". I would have the gallery pages hosted somewhere else.

An entry page to the site would help. Go to and notice that we all use entry pages with some news. In my case, I also reward users with the chance to have their car highlighted as the "Picture of the Month". People love to see their car in lights! I've been doing that for 4 years and the guys never get tired of seeing a cool photo of a Cobra. I'm very picky about the photos and use them at the end of the year to make a calender for the next year. (Great way to raise money for the site.)

3.) Keep the spam out. If you police the site good, you won't have idiots posting spam. Sometimes visitors see spam or vendor posts and leave the site thinking the site is geared to sell you something.

4.) I go a little further than most sites, but I really want to make sure any user will feel welcome. So I created a "FFCobra Bill of Rights" and make all users read it. This keeps the general population happy and allows anyone to visit the site without being put off.

As an example, although I love beautiful woman, I don't allow pictures that would offend another user. This means thinking about children and wives before allowing the picture. Or at least warn the users in the headline about the graphic nature. I think this site does a great job in this area.

5.) Give them a reason. Like the free picture hosting. That's a great idea.

So lurkers... what say you? :D

- Bill

agreed and well said.
Bill, any thoughts why this site has remained so civil and without a need for moderators?

Roger Vincent

GT Owner
May 31, 2006
Bowling Green, KY
I think it is very civil too; if this were CC, many of us first timers would already be taking a hike. I think the participation is down on CC, and I think this is the reason. I really appreciate the courtesy shown to me when I was asking questions about the quality problems with the cars as well as future value. Well, back to work.
Last edited:


GT Owner
Oct 19, 2005
London, UK
Oh, bugger off.....

Sorry, just trying to be impolite.

I think it's because the GT is largely owned by enthusiasts - that's my feeling. Enthusiasts tend to nurture and encourage. Also the GT doesn't inspire the envy that some marques might - it's a 1960's racer and that's cool.

When I had the Murcielago, the Lamborghini Forum was rather an odd place - people were continually insulting one another. Here, everyone is rather helpful and we feel part of the same 'gang'.


Heritage GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Neilda said:
I think it's because the GT is largely owned by enthusiasts - that's my feeling. Enthusiasts tend to nurture and encourage.
You hit the nail right on the head.
It really is about the car.


Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 5, 2005
Fresno, Ca.
Roger Vincent said:
I think it is very civil too; if this were CC, many of us first timers would already be taking a hike. I think the participation is down on CC, and I think this is the reason. I really appreciate the courtesy shown to me when I was asking questions about the quality problems with the cars as well a future value. Well, back to work.

Interesting that you mention CC, I was on there for a couple of years, then one morning said, enough and never posted again or went back. The political threads go to be so raw that they raised my blood pressure. One point to ponder is I bet DBK sees more tribute $ here than Brent at CC.


The Favor Factory™
Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
We've actually got a pretty big percentage. I keep tabs, but the registry isn't even half the registered owners on the site.

Anyone who came to the Rally can see why the forum is civil. Largely comprised of real and true "car" guys. If I said there were cars or marques out there largely purchased to prove you had a big bank account, you'd know exactly the ones I meant. Many forumites have turned into "Ford" guys because of how awesome the car is and the event was, but in any event this group is all about driving fast, heritage and having a good time. Very few bench racers, very few poseurs, very few big heads. I met people that could buy me and everything I own 1,000 times over, but you'd never know it.

There's a place for sites like Viper Alley, which is abosolutey BRUTAL to new guys. But there is only one Ford GT website, and I'm not willing to risk alienating perhaps an older guy, or someone not real net savvy, just for the sake of being hardcore. The "Use the search button newbie" example is perfect. There are too few GT owners for that, where a Viper or Lambo can just get any of the other 25,000 guys with the car out there.

I'm not an internet guy, but I spent alot of time on car forums and got sick of all of them, especially the constant bitching, moaning, arguing, racism, internet tough-guy acts, etc. So I said what the hell and started my own to run it the way I want. Got lucky with the best group of car guys out there, and though I've rarely had to use it, can still rule with the proverbial iron fist if I have to...

Big Carrot

GT Owner
May 13, 2006
The Alley, brutal???? Nahhhhh!! ;)


The Favor Factory™
Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
Big Carrot said:
The Alley, brutal???? Nahhhhh!! ;)

The Alley came about because of the Morg though, so it's the anti-morg. We don't have an arch-nemesis. :lol


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
May 17, 2006
australia/ 51st state
i think everyone has got it right, informative+polite mixed with a bit of


Le Mans 2010 Sponsor * Moderator
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 22, 2006
N.E. OH & Naples, FL
Bony, FFCobra and Dave, you all hit it on the head! I find the site those I have met at the rally to be true car guys. The problem with most forums are those folks who need to pontificate about their knowledge (or lack thereof). I find the "tone" of this site to be great. It's funny how many of my car friends who own other exotics have failed to even check this site out after my repeated attempts to get them to at least log on and check it out. They are the one's losing out! I am sure that this forum has acted as a catalyst that will lead to many long friendships and alliances that will last long after our cars and and our computers last! :cheers


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 4, 2006
Belleville, IL
timcantwell said:
Bony, FFCobra and Dave, you all hit it on the head! I find the site those I have met at the rally to be true car guys. The problem with most forums are those folks who need to pontificate about their knowledge (or lack thereof). I find the "tone" of this site to be great. It's funny how many of my car friends who own other exotics have failed to even check this site out after my repeated attempts to get them to at least log on and check it out. They are the one's losing out! I am sure that this forum has acted as a catalyst that will lead to many long friendships and alliances that will last long after our cars and and our computers last! :cheers
Yeah, until the pictures from the back rooms in Detroit get out!


Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 5, 2005
Fresno, Ca.
fjpikul said:
Yeah, until the pictures from the back rooms in Detroit get out!

we let you in the back room when you agreed to swear to be discrete.
pls return your decoder ring via dhl :eek :rofl :eek


Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 5, 2005
Fresno, Ca.
White Petunia said:
Plus, don't feed the trolls, if and when they show up.

I'll bite: What website/forum is "CC" ??


Proud Owner/ BOD blah bla
Mark IV Lifetime
Feb 14, 2006
North Carolina
Frank, I really think it really was you on the Video!

Bony - still got your ring or did you loose it again?

DBK - keep up the great work. If I want harrasment I'll go to work where I give it and get it!

GtJoey - you're to quite! Are you taking over a third world country...

Spirit- still awaiting your response...



Well-known member
Mar 28, 2006
Plymouth, MI
This site is great because of 2 reasons. Dave! You do a wonderfull job of moderating and keeping trolls out. They belong with the other 14 year old kids that can't drive yet giving their opinion over at Second the wonderfull members here. Many of whom I got to meet at the rally. Dave you are completely correct about knowing if someone could be a billionair or someone who assembles the seat track on the cars. Everyone was respectfull and there was no arrogance anywhere at the rally or here!

You guys are the best :cheers


Bart Carter

GT Owner
Mar 12, 2006
Las Vegas
White Petunia said:
...I'll bite: What website/forum is "CC" ??

I think the "CC" refered to is Corner-Carvers. Quite a tough site if you don't follow the rules. They have no patience for newbies. It is good to be careful of your posts for quite a while until you get past being a newbie. The tech sections are what it is all about. The general sections can go anywhere. I've been a member for years and it is THE place to go for tech.


GT Owner
May 22, 2006
My two cents - This forum is one of the best, with the highest signal-to-noise ratio of any forum on any topic - not just cars that I have ever participated in.

It is really amazing.

Thanks DBK!