RIP Edward "Babe" Hefron


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Aug 17, 2006
Washington Crossing, PA
I am humbled and honored to have been in Babe's company on a few different occasions (attached photo from one such occasion). A Great American who stood firmly and fought gallantly for traditional American values. Rest in peace Babe!
Babe Hefron II.jpg
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GT Owner
Jul 26, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
I was having an OK day, not great but OK, until I saw this. These guys saved civilization as we know it.

I had a few personal WWII acquaintances along the way:

Frank, Iwo Jima (He saw the first and real flag). My dad and mom and Frank and his wife were friends and of course I being a history nut was interested in his stories. He wouldn't talk about it much. Except that he said he wouldn't have lived if ?"wasn't for the Indian."

Dick. He was at Normandy. He would never ever talk about it.

My favorite was the Indian. Sorry, Native American. Sgt. Allen June was one of the original 29 Code Talkers. He lived only a few miles from us and somehow I got invited to his house warming. It turned out it was a Navajo "Blessing Way" ceremony. We almost left due to the family and I was told that we were specifically invited because of the story I told him about Frank. He was not at Iwo Jima but one of his friends was and was probably the reference. It was a moment I will never ever forget and always treasure. Here is a photo from the house warming:

My daughter and I are in the background. In the front is his son (a practicing Navajo Shaman, the Sgt, and his wife

If you are interested in a very personal one-on-one history of WWII I would like to recommend you look at the entire web history of Private Art. I heard about this maybe 5 or 6 years ago (probably longer). It's "letters from home" and it will take you a while to go through all of them. It is worth the time. Linky:

This was on the national news for quite a while when it first appeared and I'm certain this is what the INternet was invented for.

But while we remember all of the WWII vets passing away at an accelerated rate please also remember that the same applies to those who through various miracles survived the Holocaust. We fought to free them. It was worth it.
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GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 1, 2006
Saddlebrooke, MO
Sorry to see Babe has passed on. I have a Band of Brothers poster autographed by he and a number of the others who have also passed on. They truly were heroes as were some of our fathers who did not like to talk much about their war experience. I was 43 before I got my father to speak at all about his (RCAF bomber navigator who spent three years in Stalag Luft III prison camp of Great Escape fame). Neither my wife nor I could get her father to speak of his experiences in the Pacific in WWII, he was a Marine Sniper. We just need to make certain we honor the guys and gals defending our freedom today.

Thanks for posting. RIP Babe.


GT Owner
Jul 26, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
Neither my wife nor I could get her father to speak of his experiences in the Pacific in WWII...

Regrettably those in the family and the historians this is all too common. And not just for WWII, but for all conflicts. My friend who passed away in our flood served in Korea. I got some pictures from him but he wouldn't talk about them. They were all just landscapes and a few group shots of some of him and friends. Even that was hard. One of our neighbors in MA was at Gulf War I. He wouldn't talk about it either.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Oct 24, 2005
A true hero as all of the above mentioned.Great read thanks


GT Owner
Jul 26, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
This is a wonderful photograph:


The article:
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GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Aug 17, 2006
Washington Crossing, PA
And this was the last time I saw Babe at The Irish Pub, his favorite hangout.

Babe Hefron III.jpg


GT Owner
Jul 26, 2010
Las Vegas, NV