ooooooh...thats gonna leave a mark


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Jun 7, 2007
HHGT makes a good point, but how does one get the offending insurance company to pony up for depreciation damage w/o having to end up in court?
This is a valid beef because we've all seen cars that have been resold, some honestly, some trying to be passed off without telling the stories, but you know what that does to the car's value once the damage is known.
Just wondering.


GT Owner
Staff member
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 13, 2006
Scottsdale, Arizona
There is no other option.... far as I'm concerned. The GT guys, a.k.a. Rich and Dennis have worked on my GT twice out here in Arizona for normal maintenance and to install some aftermarket items. I was so impressed with the speed and quality of their work that if my car was ever damaged in an accident, I would load it into my trailer and drive it all the way from Arizona to Detroit to have them fix it. I wouldn't even consider letting anybody else perform bodywork on my Ford GT. You can be confident that when they are finished, your car will be at least as good as it was before if not better. They probably helped build your car the first time, and they've gotten better since then. :biggrin


Pete S.

GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Aug 18, 2006

. . .everything said by Chip here is the truth. Rich and Denis are amazingly quick and are two of the experts.

Pete S.


GT Owner
Nov 20, 2006
Killer Dana, CA
. . .everything said by Chip here is the truth. Rich and Denis are amazingly quick and are two of the experts.

Pete S.

+1 :thumbsup


Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
May 25, 2006
Ft. Lauderdale
:madWell, I am sorry to report someone backed into my parked GT. They crushed the passenger side door and wiped out the sideview mirror. The next question is what to do? Any input as to where I should send it for repair? What should I be aware of when dealing with thier insurance company? It's State Farm and they have already admitted 100% liability. Are there any special or different issues since it is a GT? Any help, info, or input would be greatly appreciated. I will be sitting shiva at my house.:ack

Hey buddy, sorry to hear ...:frown. A while back I visited the Authorized Ferrari repear shop in Pompano bch. They are experts with aluminum repairs. There was a GT there when I visited. PM me if you want me to dig up the info


HHGT makes a good point, but how does one get the offending insurance company to pony up for depreciation damage w/o having to end up in court?
This is a valid beef because we've all seen cars that have been resold, some honestly, some trying to be passed off without telling the stories, but you know what that does to the car's value once the damage is known.
Just wondering.

Most insurance companies don't want to end up in the commissioner's office or having a third party play referee - I know this first hand. I simply refused to p/u my car or to accept the repairs. Not saying that is what the gentleman needs to do, but In my case, they ended owning the Mercedes that was involved in the wreck.

Aug 25, 2006
Most insurance companies don't want to end up in the commissioner's office or having a third party play referee - I know this first hand. I simply refused to p/u my car or to accept the repairs. Not saying that is what the gentleman needs to do, but In my case, they ended owning the Mercedes that was involved in the wreck.



You bring up and share a good point

Pre-altercation condition is the basic premise as presented by the insurance company however sadly most folks acquiesce to a less than perfect repair or better put “return to state” because of lack of knowledge, inability to see beyond the skin of the gal, or simply get anxious/excited to have her home.

Having owned a body and paint facility I can share first hand that seldom are gal’s truly returned to their original state but rather a comprise somewhere before that point as the result of behind the scenes negotiations between the body shop and the insurance adjuster which is in fact the basis for the insurance company becoming the owner of the gal.

Now I do not automatically encourage this route however share that depending on the damage this is a route that I would pursue to it's term

Takes care



Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 5, 2005
Fresno, Ca.
There are several web sites devoted to 'deminshed damage' and how state law applies.
I fought one in small claims in California, won my case, which the insurance company appealed, and they won by having the deminished damaged portion removed.


Ford Gt Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Aug 8, 2007
we just went throught this as well, my mom was involved in an accident where she was hit from behind, the insurance company only wanted to pay for the damage but when I got a third party involved(attorny) they were more open to covering the depreciated value of the car in addition to the repairs, one thing to note is that the depreciation can never be more than the cost of repairs. at least thats how they see it. at the end it all depends on your party's negotiation skills, so find someone who knows how to talk to insurance company's.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Jun 7, 2007
As Soroush says:
"they were more open to covering the depreciated value of the car in addition to the repairs, one thing to note is that the depreciation can never be more than the cost of repairs."

Then that's where the pissing match starts. We all know the depreciation is more than likely more substantial that the repair on a GT. Getting the insurance company that's on the hook for the repairs to recognize/pay up for it is going to be the problem.


GT Owner
Oct 19, 2005
London, UK
Very sorry to read of the accident - I couldn't imagine how I'd feel if some clot did that to my car.

I assume the other driver was extremely apologetic?


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Oct 14, 2006
South Florida
Apologetic yes. He is a professor at a local college. He was in a hurry beause he was late for a class he was teaching. Statistics.....What are the odds?


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Aug 16, 2007
At least you found him.:frown


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Dec 8, 2006
Statistics.....What are the odds?



GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Apr 12, 2006
Los Angeles
Mamzer, I believe this is a Capital Offense, can you carry weapons in Fl?


Ford Gt Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Aug 8, 2007
as discussed before make sure the cost of the repairs are as high as possible, I would imagine to do the job correctly the door need to be removed and dissembled and properly worked and finally painted, I would imagine it would be an expensive repair, then you could ask for more depreciated value.


GT Owner
Oct 19, 2005
London, UK
Apologetic yes. He is a professor at a local college. He was in a hurry beause he was late for a class he was teaching. Statistics.....What are the odds?


Coffee over keyboard.

In fact, have another
