One luck guy last Saturday

Roger Vincent

GT Owner
May 31, 2006
Bowling Green, KY
One lucky guy last Saturday

Last Saturday a few of us went to the Lexington Kentucky Keenland Concourse d'Elegance. I drove the FGT and a friend drove my SPF Cobra. On the way home we decided we would take the back roads for a leisurely drive back to Bowling Green. Just before we exited we passed a State Trooper going the opposite direction; I looked at my speed 80 MPH (70 limit). The lights came on and he came around after us. We had begun to exit and he came around me and pulled the SPF over. I thought he had not gone for me but for John in the Cobra. Wrong.

He pointed to me to pull over as well. He went to John and asked for his license and asked him to step out of the car. Bad news. Then he came to me and same routine, out of the car. I thought OK, we are going to jail. He thinks we were racing (we weren't). Thoughts: higher insurance rates, loss of job, wife laughing saying, "I told you so!"

He asked John what he did for a living, VP of a University, then me, Director of an Advanced Technology Institute. He said John had been speeding at 84 MPH. Lecturing us, "At your ages and occupations you should know better." BUT, he said he understood the difficulty of keeping the speed down with these two "beautiful cars," so just a warning! Then we talked cars, Ford engines, his son's Ford truck that runs 146 MPH. A car guy, yes!

But we were lucky for sure. Then I got the nerve to ask for a photo and he said sure, but why? I said so that I could assist the enforcement of speed control of course. "So how fast have you had this car?" Hmmmm. My response, "Well only 80 today. But it's capable of speeds over 200 mph according to Ford." His only response was that he hoped we would have tried to outrun him so that he could have seen what they would do. I said, "Yes they are fast, but not faster than your radio signals." We laughed, he didn't laugh much, but we took pictures, and now it is my avatar for a while. Below is a better look. Bottom line, watch your speed, even 10 MPH over the limit, with these cars, they kind of stick out in a crowd.


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Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
Shoot!!!!!! If you do LESS than "80" north of L.A. on the 101 you'll get run over!!! :ack

Choose one!

Roger Vincent

GT Owner
May 31, 2006
Bowling Green, KY
I know, I kind of think the Trooper wanted a closer look at the cars (he was definitely a closet car guy)!


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 11, 2005
Southern California
Empty, you gotta update. Eighty was the required 101 speed a couple years ago. Now it's about 92 (which leaves me constantly getting passed, because I never go over the speed limit :biggrin).


GT Owner
Staff member
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 13, 2006
Scottsdale, Arizona
California limit

The only time drivers slow down to 80 in California is when they're going through a Jack in the Box drive thru!



GT Owner
Oct 19, 2005
London, UK
In the UK on a 70mph road, the Police wouldn't pull you over until you're doing about 85mph.

I've tested this theory many times - and have crept past Police cars at 83mph.

Glad you escaped going to prison. We would have sent you some soap on a rope.... :biggrin


GT Owner
Nov 2, 2005
SF Bay Area in California
In the UK on a 70mph road, the Police wouldn't pull you over until you're doing about 85mph.

I've tested this theory many times - and have crept past Police cars at 83mph.

Glad you escaped going to prison. We would have sent you some soap on a rope.... :biggrin

I wouldn't try that in California. You might be ok at 83 in a 70, but when approaching a police car you are required to notice them and show respect by slowing down. Passing them would show a lack of road awareness and respect, most likely resulting in a fine!


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Oct 24, 2005
I had a state trooper pull up next to me ,as if he was lining up to race! I than down shifted to 3rd,pointed to my ear (so he would listen to the sweet sound)and than stepped on it to about 100mph than slowed to 65 ! He than pulled up next to me and gave me the thumbs up before departing!!


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Dec 3, 2006
Getting pulled over around here is usually followed by "what is that?" or "is that a kit car?". Always questions about the car .... but then that happens when its stopped at the gas station.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Aug 11, 2006
Surf City, USA
One lucky guy last Saturday

It could only have been better if the cop gave you Dirty Harry's line - 'Do you feel lucky punk?'

I bet you had one big shit eatin' grin..and a racing heart leaving that scene.


GT Owner
Feb 3, 2006
so. ca.
Isn't lexington where sheriff Buford T. Justice rules the roost?:lol


Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 5, 2006
Isn't lexington where sheriff Buford T. Justice rules the roost?:lol

Theycould have been passing through Hazard county.... and we all know the group that patrols those woods


Le Mans 2010 Sponsor * Moderator
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 22, 2006
N.E. OH & Naples, FL
The state trooper resembles Mitchell Gadd from Saleen. Mitchell is from Southern Ohio (Near Kentucky) perhaps they are related and the trooper appreciates fast cars!


Totally ****** Up
Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Aug 2, 2006
Dallas, TX
I got a warning yesterday. The trooper asked me how fast I had had it up too... uh, mmmm, do I still get a warning if I tell you the truth?

I answered 90, we both smiled and understood that a 1 belonged in front of that 90.


Well-known member
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Nov 3, 2005
Renton, Washington
I got a warning yesterday. The trooper asked me how fast I had had it up too... uh, mmmm, do I still get a warning if I tell you the truth?

I answered 90, we both smiled and understood that a 1 belonged in front of that 90.



GT Owner/B.O.D
Mark IV Lifetime
Dec 13, 2005
Sandpoint Id
Roger Vincent;84062wife laughing saying said:
THAT would have been the tough one!:lol


GT Owner/B.o.D
Mark IV Lifetime
May 30, 2006
Folly Beach, SC

What a classic shot! Thank goodness for 'car guy' cops. I had a similar experience on I-20 in Georgia earlier this year. 89 in a 70 mph. "Have a good Day Sir!! Dive careful now....". Best words I'd heard in months! :banana



GT Owner/Board of Directors
Mark IV Lifetime
Aug 29, 2006
Atlanta, Ga.
I have to add this from Gordon who came to Atlanta in June for the GT Guys and Jerry for a tune. I hope he doesn't mind but this is from an email to our group and it's a classic. I will cut and paste his experience.

Kirby -

"Dittos" - I enjoyed meeting all the guys. Thanks for arranging the day. I must say the tune Jerry did on my car was terrific. It really made a substantial difference. I'm in if we have another. Sorry I had to cut and run - I would loved to have stayed longer.

By the way - I got nailed on I-20 with Lazer. Valentine beeped just to let me know I got hit! I pulled over - waaay over, giving the office lots of safety room. Both hands on the steering wheel, registration and insurance card in view. Wheels turned to the right.

Conversation went something like this...

Sheriff: DO you know how fast you were going?

GK: No, not really sir.

Sheriff: I bet it didn't feel like much in this? Did it?

GK: No, sir!

Sheriff: You know this car is pretty noticeable in traffic. (Gulf livery)

GK: Really? No shit?

(Sheriff laughs at this point:).

Sheriff: You were going 89 in a 70.

GK: I was? Didn't' feel like it. Did you see that black van on my ass?

Sheriff: Yes, I did.
And you couldn't out run him in this?

GK: Well, that's what I was trying to do.

He took the registration, gave it a cursory glance and gave it back.

Sheriff: Well, take it easy and have a nice week-end.

He walked back to his car.

Whew!!!! Lucky me...


Submitted by Flash :cheers