Non BS reason for today's high gas prices.


GT Owner
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Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 13, 2006
Scottsdale, Arizona
This post is long, but if you take the time to read it, perhaps a few things will come to light.

I have read and I have on good authority that one out of four Americans today is functionally illiterate, this means that they cannot read and comprehend a daily newspaper. Worse than that, approximately 50% of all adult Americans are numerically illiterate, meaning they cannot add, subtract, multiply, and divide three digit numbers using a sheet of paper and a pencil. It has also become abundantly clear that at least 95% of adult Americans are economically illiterate. The current national furor over high gasoline prices, with accusations by politicians and citizens alike of conspiracies and gouging by oil companies in collusion with one another are evidence of this. As I have on this forum in the past, I feel compelled here to point out a few basic economic principles, along with a few facts for you to ponder. Fact number one, current oil company profits on a gallon of gas at three dollars per gallon are currently 9% or about $.27 per gallon. Of the $.27. Approximately 40% of that is taken by the government in taxes before the remaining 60% is distributed to shareholders. Thus the after-tax profit distributed to the tens of millions of Americans who own oil company stocks is about $.16 per gallon. There are no greedy oil company owners colluding with one another to gouge American citizens, only shareholders like you and me, our pension funds, our IRAs, and our investment portfolios. The largest American oil company is Exxon Mobil, they are the fifth largest oil company in the world and control less than 5% of the world oil market. The top three US oil companies combined control less than 10% of the world oil market. This is hardly a market dominating monopoly.

Large markets are more efficient than small markets. Any governmental regulation that inhibits the free flow of products or its production will result in either higher prices, product shortages, or both. Essential products like gasoline without readily available substitutes are by definition, inelastic, meaning that large increases in price will have only a small effect upon consumption. Nonessential products with readily available substitutes like apple juice are by definition, elastic, meaning that even small increases in price will have a large effect upon consumption.

Most products including automobiles and gasoline are assembled from multiple components as well as requiring numerous processes to produce the finished product. Any shortage of an essential component or any bottleneck in the manufacturing process will limit total production to the number that may be produced by what ever item is in shortest supply. It matters not a whit how abundant the other components or manufacturing processes are, nor does it matter what the bottleneck is. All that matters is that a bottleneck exists. The six speed transmission in the current Ford Shelby Mustang GT500 is an example of such a bottleneck. Mustang sales are down 19% this year, the cars are available in large numbers and Ford Motor Co. could sell many more if they could build more Shelby's and fewer V-6's. But because only 10,000 six speed transmissions are available to Ford this year, total Shelby production is limited to 10,000.

I have not seen in any publication, nor have I heard on any newscast the actual reason for today's high gasoline prices. There is a reason why gasoline is about $.50 to $.75 per gallon more expensive today than it should be given today's price of oil. And though the reason is not obvious or even readily apparent to those outside the gas & oil business, neither is it particularly difficult to explain or to understand. So here you go.

Up until the 1970s in the United States gasoline was essentially a commodity. Produced in over 150 refineries nationwide gasoline was piped or trucked wherever it was needed. A production disruption or breakdown in any one refinery affected less than 1% of the national supply. The vacuum created by one plant's production stoppage was immediately filled by product flowing in from other areas drawn to the affected region by temporarily higher prices. Much like the scooping of a bucket of water out of the surface of a lake is immediately filled by water rushing in from the rest of the lake, the force of Adam Smith's "invisible hand" sent gasoline quickly and efficiently where ever it was needed. Prices were essentially equal, coast to coast. But in the late 1970s, government and its well meaning, yet isolated and economically ignorant bureaucrats got involved. First was the State of California deciding that it needed its own special blend of gasoline. Next high altitude areas decided a special blend would be better for them too. State after state and county after county decided to dictate special fuel blends for their communities as well. Four years ago the number of refineries in the United States had shrunk to about 100 due to environmental regulations and government mandates. At the same time, the total number of regular unleaded gasoline blends had reached the absurd number of 165.

My home here in Scottsdale, Arizona is in the middle of Maricopa County. The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors in their infinite wisdom dictated a blend of regular unleaded gasoline not sold or used any other place in the world. This despite the fact that the entire state of Arizona does not contain a single refinery. Therefore our own little special blend needed to be piped in from Texas or California where it was produced in a total of three refineries. No other blend of unleaded gasoline could legally be sold in Maricopa County. The results of this folly to anyone with even a rudimentary understanding of economics was predictably disastrous. A production disruption at any one of the three refineries producing our boutique blend immediately cut off one third of Maricopa County’s fuel supply. This was brought into sharp focus by the bursting of the Kinder-Morgan pipeline from Texas into Maricopa County two years ago bringing the Valley of the Sun to it's knees for two weeks. While I sat in my Chevron station out of fuel and out of business for four straight days, gasoline was plentiful just 25 miles away and in every other county of Arizona. But I was not allowed to pick up the phone and have a tanker deliver it to me as selling a non-Maricopa County blend fuel would result in fines exceeding $100,000, and most likely jail time as well. Our fuel supply is no longer a lake with Adam Smith's invisible hand sending gasoline quickly and efficiently where it is needed. Blend requirements have turned it into an ice cube tray with solid walls blocking the flow of fuel from the rest of the full tray into the cube that is presently dry. Our Democrat Governor Janet Napolitano, a proud economic idiot, could have solved this problem with the stroke of a pen exercising an executive order eliminating temporarily Maricopa Counties fuel blend requirement. Instead of taking this simple step to help all Arizonans, she dithered and did what all good liberals would do, she used this shortage and the hardship created by it to demonize gas station operators like me, my suppliers including Chevron, and to score political points for herself by taking cheap shots at the entire oil industry.

The United States of America has taken a huge step backwards in both the production and distribution of gasoline because of these blend requirements. And it gets even worse as twice a year most municipalities switch from a summer blend to a winter blend and and then back to their summer blend. As government regulatory agencies insist on testing these blends in the field at tank farms, each blend changeover results in a draw down of existing fuel stocks to critical levels. That done, it takes a while before the new blend can be shipped or piped in sufficient quantities to restock tank farms all across the country. Instead of just producing fuel 24 hours a day seven days a week, refineries must now constantly gauge individual markets and do their best to estimate how much fuel will be needed, and therefore produced for each little cube in the tray. A miscalculation by refiners or a change in demand of any market results in either a glut or shortage that cannot be shipped to or from another market because fuel produced for one market cannot legally be sold in another market. Instead of the lake we used to have with 150 streams of product flowing into it immediately assessable nationwide we now have this ice cube tray of small individual cubicles, each filled by just a couple refineries. Where a production disruption at an individual refinery used to be invisible to the American public because of its small effect on the total supply, now a production disruption at an individual refinery creates a crisis, eliminating 30% and sometimes as much as 50% of the fuel available for sale in that market. This has led to huge differences in the cost of gasoline from one market to another. And when a production difficulty arises such as a refinery fire it is not uncommon for the price of gas in the affected market to spike up over a dollar a gallon.

Let me add that every single time a refinery needs to change from one blend to another, that refinery needs to be shut down in order for the change to take effect. These constant shutdowns and startups are eliminating as much as 20% of the capacity of each refinery and adding enormously to the cost of operating that facility. These blend requirements are adding $.50 to $.75 to the cost of each gallon of gasoline that we purchase. After-tax profits to shareholders of Oil Company Stocks on the sale of a $3 gallon of gasoline will total about $.16. Even if oil companies eliminated 100% of their before tax profit that would only amount to $.27 per gallon. Oh, let me mention that the oil companies have to do 100% of the work to find, transport, refine, and deliver our fuel supply. Our government on the other hand, does none of the work, yet gouges American citizens to the tune of approximately $.60 cents per gallon in direct taxes, plus income tax of approximately $.11 per gallon on distributed oil company profits, plus between $.50 and $.75 per gallon in mandatory blending changes and regulatory requirements. Clearly there is some gouging going on but it is by local and federal government that rips our heads off to the tune of over ONE DOLLAL PER GALLON! These same economic nitwits tell us that the .16 cent after-tax profit on the Exxon Mobil stock in your IRA is unconscionable!! All of this is possible of course because we run our public school system not for the benefit of our children, but instead for the benefit of the teachers union and their cash campaign contributions to the Democratic Party. The laws of economics are as certain as the law of gravity. Yet economics is not being taught in public schools today. This economic illiteracy combined with the misinformation spewed at us daily by our left wing agenda driven mainstream press has public anger directed at the wrong culprit.

We have taken the world's largest and most efficient market for gasoline and turned it into over 100 little tiny inefficient markets. We have taken the world's best gasoline distribution system and made it irrelevant by making it illegal to ship fuel from its intended market into another market where it is needed. And worst of all, we have not built a new fuel refinery in the United States in over 30 years. Many oil companies have tried yet it is virtually impossible to obtain all of the permits necessary to build one as environmental groups sue time and time again to stop construction and left wing Liberal Democrat appointed judges grant these environmental wackos endless impact studies that stop construction. We have permanently closed down about one third of the refineries that existed 30 years ago however because governmental regulatory requirements have made it impossible to keep them operating profitably. Our current refineries operate at about 95% of capacity. We have very little room for error and with our expanding population and economy we are nearing a crisis point. As 20% of our refining capacity has been eliminated through shutdowns and startups required by continual blend changes, refinery capacity is the bottleneck. Until the United States deals with this issue, and it is not going to deal with it, our gasoline supply will remain restricted and prices will remain high regardless of the price of oil.

These are the real reasons for our fuel prices being higher today than they should be given the price of oil. What baffles me is that President Bush is willing to take the political hit for these high fuel prices yet does not even make an attempt to explain it to the American people. I know President Bush understands this problem because after hurricane Katrina he immediately issued an executive order suspending all fuel blend requirements nationwide. He knew that without taking this decisive action there is no way that America's remaining undamaged fuel refineries could keep up with demand.

Ahhh, I'm sure there's a big environmental payoff for all of the economic pain that these blend requirements have imposed upon us right?? The air is certainly much cleaner than it would be if we all used the same blend, right?? We now have the answer to that question. For about two months after Katrina all gasoline sold in the United States was essentially the same blend. There was no detectable difference in air quality during this time. No detectable benefit for the incredible expense incurred in brewing up 165 different blends of gasoline!!! Yet as soon as refineries came back online these ridiculous blend requirements were put back in place.

And that is where we stand today. This post has been quite lengthy, both to read and for me to write. I hope the payoff for those of you patient enough to slog your way through it has been a better understanding of the economics involved, fuel production and its current price, and the real problem and its solution. Cheers.

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The Favor Factory™
Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
Chip is the man :cheers


GT Owner
Jul 13, 2006
Actually, if the countries with the largest oil reserves were not puppets, oil would be at a market price of double or triple today....prices in Europe are actually closer to "free market".

The previous oil shocks were the dying attemptps of the OPEC cartel to enforce pricing power. Well those leaders tripled our prices, and were swiftly replaced by todays puppets/wars.

No political angle here. Economic power seldom lasts without military power.


Well-known member
Sep 7, 2006
Houston, TX
Wow, thank you Chip for that post! That was a great read.

Indy GT

Yea, I got one...too
Mark IV Lifetime
Jan 14, 2006
Greenwood, IN


Thanks for taking the time to write that laborous post. It was worth reading!!


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Oct 5, 2005
Wellington, FL
Hey Chip... have you got any plans for your time between now and November 2008?



GT Owner
Jun 24, 2006
I love owning a gas station

I own an Exxon station. I lose money on almost every gallon I sell, and my competitors are selling fuel retail for .20 to .25 less a gallon then I buy it wholesale. And everyone sees the news stories and thinks I'm ripping them off. Fun business....


Tungsten GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Mar 8, 2006
Austin Texas
Great post Chip, my downstream friend! Insightful and accurate! I might add that commodities traders also impact the price much more than any oil company could. There are 100 times more paper barrels traded each day than actual barrels that exist. The price of natural gas went up $.30 n MCF yesterday just due to the threat of a storm in SE Asia. :eek

road racer

GT Owner
May 22, 2007
Franklin, TN
Non BS fix for the problem

Chip, thanks for a great post. If we do the right thing and elect Fred Thompson, I'm inviting you two over for dinner (he's a local boy). Believe me, he will show them an executive order.:cheers


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Oct 21, 2005
When was the last time a new refinery was put online in the US? When was the last time more exploration was approved( Anwar, the Golf coast.)?

If the hippies, environmentalists and anarchists have their way, our ability to increase capacity and help contain costs will continue to disappear.
Aug 25, 2006
Thank for the time spent with a great write-up

All the best



GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 21, 2006
State of Confusion
"I lose money on almost every gallon I sell, ".

I respectfully ask ... What does that mean?


Le Mans 2010 Sponsor * Moderator
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 22, 2006
N.E. OH & Naples, FL
Thanks for the "white paper" Chip. As an economist who consults with companies (Some oil-related). I found your opinions to be well-founded and well-reasoned. Thanks for shedding light on this complex subject. The unfortunate truth in today's society is that the typical man on the street (and in my case, Fortune 500 executive) wants one word answers to complex questions, and takes neither the time nor the effort to understand the underlying logic and reasoning behind the machinations that drive the economy and society. I always contend that if Americans could learn to "think" we would be a stronger nation. You can't boil down every answer to every economic or social ailment to the simple concept of "The Conspiracy Theory"!


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Nov 14, 2005
south FL
Well said...
I applaud your effort to educate us.



RED GT owner
Mark II Lifetime
Dec 3, 2006
Bremerton, Washington
When was the last time a new refinery was put online in the US? When was the last time more exploration was approved( Anwar, the Golf coast.)?

If the hippies, environmentalists and anarchists have their way, our ability to increase capacity and help contain costs will continue to disappear.

I believe you are close to the real answer to todays gas prices. Along with what you are saying remember democrats hate the oil companies drilling and refinery building. We were very close to getting a bill approved in Congress last year to allow more oil drilling and to build more refineries. The democrats blocked these efforts for over 25 years then Katrina hit and with a Republican majority in Congress, oil exploration and refinery building became popular. Guess what! democrats take over last November and promply killed the bill. One of the senators from my state Washington whose initials are MC promptly gins up legislation to slap a windfall profits tax on the oil companies. Around this time, gas prices slowly start to climb for some mysterious reason.


The Favor Factory™
Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
The most unfortunate part of election-year demonizing of the oil industry is that it furthers this bizarre American sense of entitlement toward autos and what powers them. It's just a mountain of contradictions.

-We want safe cars (or we'll sue!) so we legislate stringent safety regulations. This makes cars heavy.

-We want efficient cars (because our evil middle-eastern overlords have made us by their oil), so we have CAFE standards that we're going to make totally unrealistic. This demands cars be light. Oh, and these cars should be cheap and have a lot of power too. Do us a favor Mr. Manufacturer and foot the bill for that.

-Oil makes too much money and we're too dependent on the middle east! Look at these sickening record profits. Clearly this is a government/corporate conspiracy that has nothing to do with the fact that 3 of the 5 vehicles which perennially dominate the U.S best seller list get anywhere from 9-15mpg. Let's start panels to see how we can slice into these billions. Can anyone run a daily news story on this?

It's not hard. If you're upset about gas prices, buy a more fuel efficient vehicle. Everyone talked a good game when prices spiked last year, but guess what? A year later the Accord Hybrid (6000 for the year) got canceled because of virtually non-existent sales and the Super Duty F-series have flown off the lots (about 100,000...last month). The aggregate amount of fuel savings would be almost incalculable if the nation switched from Tahoes and H2's to Fusions and Cobalts.

So the autos get screwed on both sides by the government, the oil industry is portrayed as the Devil for supplying what consumers demand at a very average profit margin, and the only people who actually can affect change do nothing by maintaining their buying habits. Awesome.

It's enough to make you want to smash your head into a wall because until we address the real roots of these issues, nothing will change.


GT Owner
Apr 22, 2007
calgary, canada
Thanks Chip,
I am from Calgary, Alberta where we celebrate higher oil prices. I must admit that high oil prices have filled the coffers of all local oil companies, it is difficult for them to whine about not making any profit, but they do anyway. They have an interesting way of buying and selling oil properties to defer profits (taxes). I completly agree with Chips analysis, however major oil companies are making truck loads of money, almost an embarrasing amount, the "easy money" decidance in Calgary is over the top. I know that this does not trickle down to local gas stations.
One point that few americans know, and for some mysterious reason your government doesn't advertise, we in Alberta have enough oil to supply y'all
for the next 150 years. No need for you to deal with middle east at all. Yes our cost of production is higher (cost about $35/barrel opposed to saudioil cost $15/barrel) but all producers are giddy happy at current $65/barrel world price.
Can anyone explain why the current U.S. administration seems to want a safe and secure energy supply and we (Albertans) are happy to comply but they continue to play with the opec nations?
p.s. We can supply as much natural gas as you want as well.
It's hard to not think there's a conspiracy... I just don't understand the motive or the payoff!


GT Owner
Staff member
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 13, 2006
Scottsdale, Arizona

The following was forwarded to me by DBK via e-mail earlier today.

Counterpoint this one for me Chipster:

"A couple refineries? Dude, we are like 15% under capacity in the
summer. Our infrastructure for gasoline is about 20 years outdated.
Oil companies would rather pack away the profits than re-invest it in
their infrastructure (refineries, pipelines, etc). There is no
incentive for them to build a refinery, because then they couldn't
keep jacking prices up at will. If you don't believe they are
manipulating the prices, then why is it that gas went up over
Memorial day when oil was relatively stable? Why did it go up in
March when oil was dropping?
And "free market"? What are you talking about? Gasoline refining is a
monopoly. If it was a free market, there would be competition.
Instead, they keep the supply low to crank the price up. They don't
want more capacity because it goes against their "business model". A
business model which fills their bank accounts while they manipulate
the price at our expense. OPEN YOUR EYES!"

I am not sure who wrote this but I assume this is a response to the post that I put up this morning. It was forwarded to me by DBK via e-mail. This is a common and typical response from a large percentage of Americans who believe just about everything is being controlled by powerful forces, it's always a conspiracy. This gentleman, whoever he is, is all over the map here. I will counterpoint his response line by line. Being 15% under capacity at any given time is irrelevant as capacity is only relevant at peak demand. California's electricity companies are way under capacity for most of the year. During the hottest days of summer, however, they are unable to meet peak demand and thus the rolling blackouts that Californians have suffered through during the last two summers. How would it work out for you if I supplied you with enough air to breathe 23 and 1/2 hours a day. Our infrastructure for gasoline is very old, because it is possible to keep an old refinery going. It is not currently possible to build a new one. As for pipelines, Kinder-Morgan has been attempting to secure all necessary permits to build a new pipeline from Texas to Phoenix, Arizona for over 10 years now without success. Next, no oil company, as they are all publicly traded, "packs away profits". Profits (retained earnings) are either distributed to shareholders in the form of dividends, or they are ultimately invested in new plant and equipment, almost always outside of the United States, where new investment is possible (allowed). Your contention that there is no incentive to build a refinery in the United States today is absurd, because as you state, the refineries that exist now are very profitable. And they are very profitable because it is impossible to build new ones to compete with them. This is not because of somebody's "business model", it is the result of economically ignorant government regulators combined with lawsuits filed by environmental extremists. The result of this is most fortunate for existing refinery owners, and most unfortunate for the American public. If oil companies could, as you contend, "jack up prices at will" then why do prices fall several times a year? As for your comments about this not being a free market and a low supply cranking prices up, here you have accidentally swerved into the truth, you just have the reason for these two conditions wrong. 30 years ago there were 150 potential and actual competitors for Maricopa County's gasoline refining business. Today, thanks to government intervention, there are three. And while this is not a monopoly, it is limited competition, and higher prices are the result. As for gasoline prices going up when the price of oil is relatively stable, I will repeat that oil is only one of many components that go into the production of gasoline. A shortage of any one of those components or processes will result in higher prices. Your most accurate statement is that the market is being manipulated at our expense, but the manipulation is being done by regulatory agents of the government that we elected. You say, open your eyes, I say, right back at you. Finally, if you think that oil companies are making too much money, you can profit two ways. 1. Buy yourself some oil company stock 2. Start your own oil company. All the best.



RED GT owner
Mark II Lifetime
Dec 3, 2006
Bremerton, Washington
One other item that should be considered here is the amount of tax that exists on every gallon of gas. I don't see government officials rushing to reduce the tax load here. One of the senators from my state is preparing legislation to add an additional 3$ a gallon national tax to help "ween" the American people from driving and start looking at public transportation

Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
One other item that should be considered here is the amount of tax that exists on every gallon of gas. I don't see government officials rushing to reduce the tax load here.

And isn't it interesting, Ed, that when Gov. "G" was asked by the press if she'd DO that very thing, her response was (predictabily): 'Oh, No! No! No! The oil co's should lower their incomes (profits). Gov't should'nt have to lower it's own (taxes).'

In politics, as in most people's lives, everything is ALWAYS the other guy's responsibility...