New England, New York and Jersey


GT Owner
Apr 17, 2006
Hello northeasterners. How lucky have we been to be still driving our cars into mid January w/out any salt or sand on the roads. Anyway here is the reason for my post. On the weekend of January 26-28th my GT (and my Viper) will be in the Frank Marotta auto show in Hartford, CT. The website address is for those who would like to get out in the mid winter and see some real cool cars and bikes. I'm putting this info out there also to say that I would like to get a big northeast gathering together once the weather breaks in May. I have already spoken to a dozen or so northeast GT owners and everyone is all for it. Furthermore I would gladly look forward to meeting everyone who can make the show so that we can talk and get some input as to a location and general ideas to make the spring get together a big success. My GT will be the only one at the show so I'll be easy to find. It will be stationed right near the front door, Tungsten/Silver. Look forward to meeting anyone who makes the show but more so seeing everyone in the spring. Regards, Dan:cheers


GT Owner
Jan 14, 2006
Yea sounds good

Yes, i think this spring we should go 4 it. Im out on the tip of cape cod
Ive got a black whipple monster and a speed yellow being modded as we speak.


GT Owner
Apr 17, 2006
Yes, i think this spring we should go 4 it. Im out on the tip of cape cod
Ive got a black whipple monster and a speed yellow being modded as we speak.

That's great, it might be the only one with that set up at our rally GFORCE! I'm hoping to get at least 25 cars at the gathering so if you know anyone who might be interested please give them a heads up. I will re-post this thread in April but would welcome any pm's now so I could start gathering info. Dan


GT Owner
Aug 6, 2006
Westchester, NY
Hi Dan,
Unfortunately I can't make it to Hartford but please count me in for future tri-state or northeast get-togethers.


GT Owner
Apr 17, 2006
Hi Dan,
Unfortunately I can't make it to Hartford but please count me in for future tri-state or northeast get-togethers.

You are one of the dozen or so I'm already counting on Dick. Maybe this time I won't get pulled over, but as they say it's not what you know but who you know!!!:biggrin
I'm hoping for a lot of responses...
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GT Owner
Feb 20, 2006
I am up for a spring meet. Would be fun to get a bunch of GTs to role into some small local cruise night. Would be a fun sight and put smiles on lots of faces.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Nov 28, 2005
I'll come too, I hope, if schedule permits!


Permanent Vacation
Oct 14, 2005
new jersey
hi dan
sam here from south jersey
gt is on moth balls right now, but thx for the invite
will plan on meeting in the spring, so keep me advised

i was in your neck of the woods about a month ago
my prowler club had a cruise out to the tip
it was awesome with 18 prowlers
hope to meet up with ya in the spring

#003 -------------extreme saleen
#038----------parnelli jones


GT Owner
Jan 14, 2006
I saw all of prowlers

I was in one of the monster vipers its a nitrous LP car,a real rocket.


GT Owner
Apr 17, 2006
Keep it coming guys, get the word out to all your GT buds. We can have the largest east coast gathering of GT's to date. Once a date and time is scheduled I will coincide the meeting with a lunch or dinner based on everyone's preference. Any ideas are welcome so feel free to make suggestions...Dan


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Feb 18, 2006
New Jersey
I'm in. Keep me posted on the plans for the Spring. PD


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 21, 2006
State of Confusion
ME TOO !:thumbsup

red gt 1442

GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Dec 23, 2005
NY Metro Area
Keep it coming guys, get the word out to all your GT buds. We can have the largest east coast gathering of GT's to date. Once a date and time is scheduled I will coincide the meeting with a lunch or dinner based on everyone's preference. Any ideas are welcome so feel free to make suggestions...Dan

Thanx Dan. Count me in.....will let some of the locals here in NYC know, will look for that post in early spring.....Hey...spring? it never


GT Owner
Jul 13, 2006
Speaking of local NYC GTr's. ...which Ford dealer do you guys use with trained/Authorized SVT service techs.


GT Owner
Apr 17, 2006
Speaking of local NYC GTr's. ...which Ford dealer do you guys use with trained/Authorized SVT service techs.

Kayvan, I'm in CT and my dealer is 10 minutes from my house. The way I understand it is that all dealers have to have at least one trained SVT tech.
Don't be mislead by that though, my guy was GT trained and he caved in the pan when putting my car on the lift. It is beyond me why Ford does not equip their dealers properly with tools and techs to work on their own product.

red gt 1442

GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Dec 23, 2005
NY Metro Area
Speaking of local NYC GTr's. ...which Ford dealer do you guys use with trained/Authorized SVT service techs.


I use Manhattan Ford, 54th street and 11th avenue in the city.

They have a guy in service called Mustang Mike,,,and he has come to know a lot about the GT's, just from experience on all of the cars that they have sold. They have had axel failures, clutch replaments, even had a suspension failure on one GT.(in rental fleet, and probably abused a little) so far, they have treated me like royalty, and the minute I arrive...the red carpet comes out.

good luck



GT Owner
Jul 13, 2006
Thanks big Dan and Gino.

Word of mouth seems to be the way. I am in Scarsdale and have few local choices (outside of L.I.)

I visited Manhattan Ford early in my search, and walked by on Friday night ....saw a white GT (ny plates) on a flatbed going must have been in for service.

I guess its worth trucking it in and out, as driving on NYC streets will blow out that front diffuser.

red gt 1442

GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Dec 23, 2005
NY Metro Area
Thanks big Dan and Gino.

Word of mouth seems to be the way. I am in Scarsdale and have few local choices (outside of L.I.)

I visited Manhattan Ford early in my search, and walked by on Friday night ....saw a white GT (ny plates) on a flatbed going must have been in for service.

I guess its worth trucking it in and out, as driving on NYC streets will blow out that front diffuser.

I drive mine in for service.....I have not had any problems with the road, you just have to navigate it like you would a boat in the Hudson, missing all those pilons that float all over the place. The only prob. I found with Manhattan Ford is that they dont have loaners, so it would be better to truck it in. Just make sure the trucker has the experience to load the car properly, or you will lose the diffuser. If you should decide to go there, call ahead and please speak to "Mustang Mike".....he is aces with these cars.

427 Mitch

GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Jan 13, 2006
Stamford, Ct
Does anyone from this area want to share a truck to Indy?



Permanent Vacation
Oct 14, 2005
new jersey
will not be attending the indy this year
my son is getting married around that time, and it will be nuts around here
no matter where it is next year,, i will be there
i dropped my gt off on friday at ida and shes getting some needed up-grades
looks like she is in good company, parked right next to gino's red and white(sounds awesome), and a yellow with black stripes
not sure who that belonged to
i met barron while i was there, great guy-look forward to a long frindship with him.
should have her back next weekend, can't wait to hear her after the up-grades
another note
i have never missed the atlantic city car show/auctions which is usually around valentine day
last year gt joe met me and we went together
if anyone is going, let me know, maybe we can get a group thing going
