Mileage Update- How many miles are on your FGT?


GT Owner/Board of Directors
Mark IV Lifetime
Aug 29, 2006
Atlanta, Ga.
Clarification, four 1/2 hour sessions and six 1/2 hour sessions.


Ford GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 4, 2007
Niceville FL
Empty Pockets

Thanks. I've been testing some Army CH-47 and UH-60s the last couple of weeks and will be testing an AH-64 the next two weeks. Still got my fingers on the pulse even though I'm not active duty any more. Just making them safer for our boys now.

Roger Vincent

GT Owner
May 31, 2006
Bowling Green, KY
Latest usage summary

As of July 30, 2007 postings:

18 2005 cars have posted mileage, months since new.
Newest 2005 is 11 months
Oldest is 25 months
Average age is 20
Lowest mileage: 805
Highest mileage is: 13,000
Average mileage: 5,809
Standard deviation is: 4,024

28 2006 cars have posted mileage, months since new.
Newest 2006 is 2 months
Oldest is 18 months
Average age is 11
Lowest mileage: 406
Highest mileage is: 49,300
Average mileage: 5,577
Standard deviation is: 9,046

I did not run other measures of central tendency such as median or mode.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 7, 2005
Fort Worth, TX
My '05 was originally sold in June '05. I bought her in January '07 with 2,866 miles. She currently has 3,200 miles on her.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Feb 8, 2007
Dallas Texas
Bought my late '95 in Feb. 2006 with 900 miles on her. Now she has just under 2,500 miles.


Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
2006 GT purchased May 16, 2006 (1year,2 1/2 months old) Today has 1,260 miles on her as she was loaded into John Hennessey's transport to Newport Beach this afternoon. Looking forward to driving her in Sunny California with all my FORUM friends. Tomy Hamon P.S. Check out the dash!


Well-known member
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Nov 3, 2005
Renton, Washington
Many miles of Smiles

Roger -- you have too much time on your hands.

Here's an update on mine. It should sway the numbers for 06's a bit.

Delivery March 25, 2006. 3.5 miles on the o.d.

As of today 38,756.

As of Wednesday it should be 39,856.

As of this time next week it'll be around 41,456.

Gotta get packed and on the road for Rally II.:cheers



Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 5, 2005
Fresno, Ca.
We don't count miles on a transporter, mine started in Wixsom, then to Hudson, Ohio, then to Fresno, then a round trip to Wixsom from Fresno and back and of course another round trip to Indy. Drove 600 miles today to Scottsdale, that counts. :)
See you brother! Have a safe journey.
God Bless America,


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
May 13, 2007
London/ Peoria Illinois
Roger -- you have too much time on your hands.

Here's an update on mine. It should sway the numbers for 06's a bit.

Delivery March 25, 2006. 3.5 miles on the o.d.

As of today 38,756.

As of Wednesday it should be 39,856.

As of this time next week it'll be around 41,456.

Gotta get packed and on the road for Rally II.:cheers


Hats off to you buddy. 38k miles :thumbsup sweet

Wish I was not stuck here in london right now:frown , I'd love to on the Rally.....


Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Won't sleep a wink till I get there! I'll be driving my GIRL wich ya when I get there. Even a quick trip to San Diego in my Girl with my Girl on Sat. to visit our youngest Daughter. Slow down on the fun till Wed. Tomy Hamon