Mark Gerisch's bullsh*t...


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Mar 1, 2006
So my friend Mark Gerrish has run out of money(geez, how did that happen?) and can't "complete" the cars in his care. There are some dozen or so cars in his shop as I write this. Problem is owners can't get them out as Mark is refusing to let the owners take them without first signing a release(absolving him of any damages).

Can you believe it? I can.

Hey, does anybody know if they still offer auto repair classes in State/Federal correctional facilities? Mark might want to sign up as soon as he checks in.


Mark II Lifetime
Jan 31, 2008
new member

Jail time would be to good for the "sleaz ball" Hopefully we will get our cars returned without to much damage. The attorneys are rubbing their hands together anticipating the porsche payments they will make. Anyone have any ideas?


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Dec 8, 2006
I would go to the shop with my attorney and take my car without signing. I would recomend doing so ASAP.


Totally ****** Up
Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Aug 2, 2006
Dallas, TX
Just go up there with a flatbed, your attorney, and call the police to let them know you are repossessing your own car. As long as you have the documents to support that it is yours and he hasn't filed a mechanic's lien... let the cops push him down and then you can take your car. (Bring a video camera incase things get ugly)


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Aug 17, 2006
Washington Crossing, PA
Sadly, this sounds all too familiar. I find it most disconcerting when I read about how great certain tuners are, knowing perfectly well that their past behavior has been far less than stellar. On a number of occasions I considered offering such knowledge in a running post, but the drool dripping from the previous replies dissuaded me from doing so. I reasonably, and IMO correctly, sensed that I'd land upside down on the issue. So as they say in Italian “omerta”.

I've been in this game for a long time and coupled with a strong intuitive sense I’ve been able to avoid less than scrupulous people. Conversely, neophytes can easily be seduced by smooth talk substantiated by a motoring press that cares little about ones business ethics, provided that it doesn't impact magazine sales. So perhaps Genaddi will reincarnate itself, pay penance and become successful, or maybe we'll simply see a repeat performance! Based upon Mark’s heartfelt and candid disclosure, which frankly impressed me, I’m hoping for the former.


Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 5, 2005
Fresno, Ca.
Who do you want to sue??
Mark has nothing except debt and other folks property.


Totally ****** Up
Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Aug 2, 2006
Dallas, TX
Who do you want to sue??
Mark has nothing except debt and other folks property.

I don't think he wants to sue (acutally, I'm sure he does, but as you said). He just needs to get his car and they wont let him.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Dec 8, 2006
Not to sue, just to get the car. Sueing would only stall everything.


GTX1 Owner
Apr 5, 2006
I've spent enough time around Mark to know that if he reincarnates he will come back...a donkey....Marks' expressions of concern are shallow and wreckless. His work is careless and sloppy and yet he stated it was not his "lack of ability" that caused the downfall.. DUH.... Well what was it? Mark has proven through MANY fallen promises that he has the attention of a 5 year old. I've rebuilt a large part of what he delivered to me. And now he goes after some good people that worked for him. He doesn't even have the guts( and I wish I could say that 3 inches from his face) to call the fine owners he lied to. I agree with a former post,his ability to customize a car should be left to license plates:thumbsdow


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Oct 5, 2005
Wellington, FL
Jail time would be to good for the "sleaz ball" Hopefully we will get our cars returned without to much damage. The attorneys are rubbing their hands together anticipating the porsche payments they will make. Anyone have any ideas?

I'd go to his shop packing a 12 gauge and ask (politely) for my car!


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Dec 8, 2006
I know how upset everyone is. I am one of them.

I do not think the 12 guage thing would be a good idea.:frown

I also do not think that he can stop someone from getting their car without signing the "release".

There are a great group of GTX1 owners and Forum members that are really trying to help out in this terrible situation.

The best thing for everyone would be to come together as a united group and work together to finish the cars with the GT Guys. Yes it will cost money but lets finish our cars and then figure out what to do with Mark.


Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
While I'm not an attorney, 'just a thought: if for whatever reason one is FORCED by circumstance to sign something OR YOU JUST FLAT OUT WILL NOT GET YOUR CAR - write under, above, or next to your signature the words "under duress".

'Couldn't possibly hurt your position in court if, God forbid, it should come to that.


Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 5, 2005
Fresno, Ca.
I have moved this thread. This thread was not helping us resolve the owners problems.
When Mark would find it, it would just inflame him further.
Hope you agree,... if not, guess I will be buying my own MAKERS MARK MANHATTANS


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Dec 8, 2006
agreed... I am going home to drink now.