Just Days away....


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Mar 13, 2010
Richmond Virginia
It appears I am days away from the arrival of the family NFGT (no, that didn't work with my wife either). In preparation, I need to focus on the following:

1. Making room in the garage . This has been accomplished in part by throwing out all my Dick's sporting goods products, and Yeti Coolers.

2. Timing delivery with my wife being out of the house. I have turned this into an art form even sending she and her girlfriends once to a resort during a pending 2 am delivery.

3. Resolving all inner guilt trips such as my children's inheritance or lack thereof based on yet another purchase; the better good this money could do if spent on feeding the hungry (but I harken back to Sam Kinison "you live in a F-ing desert"). Or what my Pope might say--but yet again what's the MSRP on the Popemobile and its likely harder to get than the GT.

4. Dealing with the stares from neighbors: "well , looks like the idiot has done it again". And comments; "seriously--a V6??" "Yep, we thought about getting one when we got the Explorer--there was one in the showroom."

5. Dealing with relatives--"this , while your cousin Bob twice removed sits in a jail cell."

6.My kid's friends: "your dad is rich". Kids:" no, he's just stupid."

Any help is appreciated. Terry


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jun 24, 2006
Metro Detroit
Well captured, I am not a position to offer you any sort of assistance. I am just a coupe of days in front of you (It appears) and am experiencing similar issues to manage. Some sort of therapy is probably in order. :facepalm:


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 18, 2006
Largo, Florida
I just tell people I made the money, so I’ll piss it away any way I see fit.


Ford Gt Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Aug 8, 2007
Congrats. Seeing pics of the cars being delivered never gets old


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Oct 15, 2012
New York
Any help is appreciated. Terry

Terry, I think these problems will sort themselves out, especially if the kids are on board. To wit:

1. Thinking ahead to a (possible) NFGT allocation, I asked my 9 year old if we should get rid of the 550 Spyder or the 911 turbo since we're running out of room. His respose: "Why would you do THAT? I don't think you should sell any of them!".

2. Re: kids inheritance, their view is, "Don't sell the Ford GT. Ever." I think they'd rather have the cars than anything else! Not sure how I divide one (or two, assuming a year 4 allocation) among 3 children. But I'll be dead, so they'll probably sort that out eventually!

3. Neighbors, relatives (and wife) -- have already figured out I'm a lost cause! Regarding the new car, just tell them, "It's for the children." Who can argue with that?

Last edited:


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 22, 2017
Do what makes YOU happy and do not worry about the rest. They will get over it


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Jul 12, 2006
6.My kid's friends: "your dad is rich". Kids:" no, he's just stupid."

I can relate to this one. My wife tells me this, the stupid part, frequently.


Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jun 28, 2006
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
Your priorities are in the correct order. No more Dicks or Yetti.
Those on food stamps eat better than I do already.
The Pope hates America anyway.
Ask the NFL players not to buy expensive cars and jewelry and donate their bonus. ...then you will follow suit...
What really gets me is when they say we are "so lucky"
I tell them... no luck, just hard work.
Andy (ajb)


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Dec 31, 2007
I would like to help you in your quest to make more room. Sell me your 1992 Viper! Now!


GT Owner
Staff member
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 13, 2006
Scottsdale, Arizona
....Or what my Pope might say......

Probably......"Bend over."


Le Mans 2010 Sponsor * Moderator
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 22, 2006
N.E. OH & Naples, FL
It appears I am days away from the arrival of the family NFGT (no, that didn't work with my wife either). In preparation, I need to focus on the following:

1. Making room in the garage . This has been accomplished in part by throwing out all my Dick's sporting goods products, and Yeti Coolers.

2. Timing delivery with my wife being out of the house. I have turned this into an art form even sending she and her girlfriends once to a resort during a pending 2 am delivery.

3. Resolving all inner guilt trips such as my children's inheritance or lack thereof based on yet another purchase; the better good this money could do if spent on feeding the hungry (but I harken back to Sam Kinison "you live in a F-ing desert"). Or what my Pope might say--but yet again what's the MSRP on the Popemobile and its likely harder to get than the GT.

4. Dealing with the stares from neighbors: "well , looks like the idiot has done it again". And comments; "seriously--a V6??" "Yep, we thought about getting one when we got the Explorer--there was one in the showroom."

5. Dealing with relatives--"this , while your cousin Bob twice removed sits in a jail cell."

6.My kid's friends: "your dad is rich". Kids:" no, he's just stupid."

Any help is appreciated. Terry

Your car was on the transporter that delivered my Heritage to me today. (At least I believe it was your car.) Have fun!!!


Farm GT
Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
May 21, 2008
just breathe.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Feb 28, 2006
You have a garage full of cool shit AND you're a drummer. You have won at life. Savor it, my friend!


GT Owner
May 11, 2006
Festus, Missouri
Leave the Pope out of this. Please.


GT Owner
Sep 21, 2016
This is one of the more entertaining posts I’ve read in awhile! You’re welcome to share my campfire anytime! Enjoy the experience- sounds like a blast to me!


Well-known member
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Nov 3, 2005
Renton, Washington
GT-D - luv'n your guilt trip humor. Lots weird, conflicting emotions go with the program.

And those of us that made the cut in being " allowed " to buy a NGT share your feelings.

Enjoy it in good health. I'll leave a light on just in case you make the road trip to Seattle.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Oct 24, 2005
Great post!
We are very similar
I just say I’m not saving my money for my wife’s second husband!
That’s the same reason I put mileage on my cars too!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Nov 8, 2006
Toronto Canada
GT D just do it and enjoy it. Life is short. There are too many people out there jealous of everything, complain about everything and have no care or respect for anything or anyone. Do what ever you can afford and keep your heart (and wife) happy!!

Ed Sims

GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 7, 2006
Great news GTdrummer! All is good!



GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 1, 2006
Saddlebrooke, MO
Breathe, Terry, breathe! Thanks for sharing.