Handy tech tip for dumb gt owners (like me)

texas mongrel

GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
May 3, 2009
Houston Texas

after a fabulous Rally V, Mrs Texas Mongrel and myself headed home to Houston (via Pittsburgh) with a mostly uneventful trip (except for the speeding ticket in Kentucky....) until this morning in Memphis. We were doing the usual GT Owner's shuffle of trying to fit "all" our luggage into the trunk when I managed to lock the car keys inside the front trunk compartment - talk about feeling like a total d**k! I called a locksmith, but whilst waiting I started looking at the trunk release and discovered a great Tech Tip for any other Owner who finds himself in a similar self-inflicted embarassing situation: If you open the driver's door to about 30 degrees, you can actually then peer into the inside of the fender well and see the lid-release latch and lock assembly. Politely ask your wife for her nail file and shove it carefully into the latch area from the rear of the fender. With a bit of jiggling you can actually push dow the spring-latch that keeps the release lever locked - Hey Presto, lever can now be pulled and lid opened. Took me about 2 minutes to figure it out, but its really simple.
Bottom line - no need for expensive lock smiths who threaten to drill on the key hole. Of course, if the doors are locked then life becomes much more complicated....

Great to see old friends and make new ones at the Umstead - can't wait for Rally VI


GT Owner
Dec 23, 2006
Jacksonville, Florida
Funny! (but i bet you didnt think it was at the time you locked the keys in). Oddly enough I just heard a similar story while I was up at the rally last week. Except the victim (I wont name names lol) just had to wait for the spare set of keys to arrive... Good job on reverse engineering the latch!


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Oct 24, 2005
Thats to funny!
I admire your ingenuity !


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 12, 2006
Texas " MacGyver " Mongrel.

Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
'VERY useful tip, 'Mongrel. Everybody's going to file (sorry!) that one away...