GTX1 slot #'s and delivery dates

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GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Mar 1, 2006
I've got slot #13 and have had my car with Genaddi since June.

I've been given many delivery dates. The last date promised was Nov. 11th and obviously that date has also come and gone.

I've heard many conflicting slot #'s and delivery dates from others in a similar situation.

Sounds like they are also having "problems" delivering their "available options" as well. Mark is pretty pissed with me for going "public" with my situation. It's funny but he was real quick(within ten minutes to be precise) to respond to my last post but couldn't be bothered following up with the promised pictures.

Mark, you've promised others pictures of their GT's which you've yet to follow up on.

Just how big is your paintshop anyhow?

Are you related to Hennessey(of Viper infamy) by any chance?
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2006 Twin Turbo
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Are you related to Hennessey(of Viper infamy) by any chance?



GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 4, 2006
Belleville, IL
Maybe you should talk to Gino from Shooting Cars. I'm sure he knows how to take a top off. Bada Bing!


Aug 28, 2006
Green Bay, WI
One thing we can all agree upon, I’m sure, is the fact that the Ford GT is an amazing example of American engineering. To say that designing it was a complicated process would be an understatement. Hundreds of engineers and other skilled craftsmen poured their hearts into “The pace car of a company”. Upgrading the GT to X1 status is a serious project as well. Not many cars in the history of the automobile age have gone from the design table to the street flawlessly. Have we made mistakes along the way? Yes. Have we lost our commitment to producing a superior car? Absolutely not! It is true, that our clients who jumped in on the early excitement of the GTX1 upgrade have waited an extraordinary amount of time for their cars. It is also true that the main part of the delay was unforeseeable. As regular readers of this forum are already aware, the company slated to produce the carbon fiber parts for us could not produce parts of the required quality. We had to begin almost completely over again with finding a new supplier and remaking the molds. We are so close to having everything complete it is frustrating to not be there. Schedules are committed to with the best information we have on hand. Unfortunately, our suppliers cause further delays by not always sticking to schedules. Last week I sent out an update as to where we are at with things. Pictures were included to help convey the facts. KJ’s car is at the paint shop. KJ was sent the email last week as well. He responded with a “thank you for the update email” therefore I felt, as though he was satisfied with the update, I was wrong. I will rectify the situation today him by sending pictures of his car. I want to be clear that it was I who failed to send the pictures he desired not Mark.
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Aug 28, 2006
Green Bay, WI
Originally Posted by Kirby Vieira
Wow, Kent. As a GTX1 customer waiting on my car, I can understand your frustration, but not your approach. My car has been there as long as yours, but your slot is several before mine. You are probably a very successful businessman in an industry that doesn't have these problems. I sent one of my car to a very respected coachbuilder in socal for painting and refreshing which was to take a couple months. 13 months later my car was returned. The good news is that it exceeded my high expectations and was well worth the wait. This is the "Exotic" car business, not a local Ford body shop. Do you know anyone other than Genaddi who is making non-performance exotic improvements to the GT? Do you have any idea what it costs to develop and engineer a roadster with a complicated roof system or vertical doors that will last the life of the car? Have you spoken to, or read posts from, any of Genaddi's customers who have received their cars? These people were probably all anxious and frustrated about the delays, but are very happy with their GTX1's. Have you ever really met Mark Gerisch or his staff? Do you have any idea of the depth of their passion for the GT and GTX1? Do you realize getting your GTX1 to you is at least as important to them as it is to you?
Do you realize how long it would have taken Ford to do the X1? Do you recall the delays and problems Ford had, and continues to have, with the GT? Before you shipped your car to Genaddi, did the axle bolts sheer off and leave you stranded, did the door trim rings rattle or fall off, did you have any issues with fit and finish? Did you receive the car as quickly as you would have liked?
I love the Ford GT, and think I'll love the GTX1 as much or even more. I'm excited that most of the wait is over and I'll have a well designed and executed GT Roadster, which like the original GT and GTX1 will survive the test of time. I, for one, wish you would stop sending me emails. Everything you are doing is very counterproductive. If I had your car, it would go to the end of the line. Fortunately for you, Mark Gerisch isn't like me.

thank you, the forum is the worst tool to resolve one on one issues.
well said my friend:wink
:usa :usa :usa :usa ----

"He has no enemies, but is intensely disliked by his friends."
-- Oscar Wilde

While I certainly understand the frustration building during our delays. It is nice to know that we have the support of others in the community.



The Favor Factory™
Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
Agreed. People have said their piece so I'm closing this before anyone says anything they'll regret. I completely understand K's frustration having had my last car MIA at a tuner for 6 months, and I'm impressed with Yogi's response.

Hopefully this can be resolved amicably in the coming weeks.

Thanks :cheers
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