GT's drying up


GT Owner #1872
Mark II Lifetime
Jan 7, 2007
Central, Illinois
Only 6 useable GT's for sale on Ebay right now. Usually around 15 or so. Wonder if they're just all getting bought up. Good for current owners.


GT Owner
Jul 13, 2006
I am of the opinion there are close to zero "NEW" untitled cars with under 5 miles, plastic on seats, protective tape, etc available; rather whats remaining has been knocked about dealer floors for last 9-36 mos.

I believe majority are dealer toys or titled in some fashion to mask usage; there are 25 on Autotrader; guess 5 of these are NEW and available.
Last edited:

w. mitty

GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 1, 2005
We all know that supply and demand (scarcity) controls the market value of a commodity. However, a more intangible,but closley related factor is the attitude of the owners of said commodity. If the majority of the 4000 or so GT owners realize the true value and rarity of the GT, i.e. if they see it as more than just a car, the prices of the cars can only go up as the owners become less willing to part with such a unique machine...on top of that, every day, a new potential buyer has an experience with a GT (or finally comes up with the money to buy a GT) which then leads them to enter an already scarce market. In a market as vast as the U.S.,4000 cars is virtually nothing.

Sure am glad I got mine when I did--now I'm in the mood to go home and drive it:biggrin


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 21, 2006
State of Confusion
Sure am glad I got mine when I did--now I'm in the mood to go home and drive it:biggrin

+ 1


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Dec 20, 2005
Scottsdale, AZ.
However, a more intangible,but closley related factor is the attitude of the owners of said commodity. If the majority of the 4000 or so GT owners realize the true value and rarity of the GT....... the prices of the cars can only go up as the owners become less willing to part with such a unique machine

In a market as vast as the U.S.,4000 cars is virtually nothing.

Agree. If you are willing to take less, the market goes dwn. Not a lot of guys willing to take less, including me (no, car is not for sale). Talk to me at 250K for the no option yellow.

4038 minus 378 export = 3660 minus totaled and minus multiple car owners. Narrows it even more. You're looking at under 3500 on a good day.


The Favor Factory™
Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
4038 minus 378 export = 3660 minus totaled and minus multiple car owners. Narrows it even more. You're looking at under 3500 on a good day.

3660 - ~230 totaled - ~120 stolen = 3310 - 16 (two owners who own 8 each) - 12 (Larry Miller SLC) - 9 (3 3 car owners on this site) = 3273. Get into the "2" GT owner category and it's way down there.

Chris A.

GT #32
Mark II Lifetime
Feb 6, 2007
Ortega Mountain, CA

GT Bill

GT Owner
Jun 4, 2007
I am of the opinion there are close to zero "NEW" untitled cars with under 5 miles, plastic on seats, protective tape, etc available; rather whats remaining has been knocked about dealer floors for last 9-36 mos.

I believe majority are dealer toys or titled in some fashion to mask usage; there are 25 on Autotrader; guess 5 of these are NEW and available.
Well now there are only 4 left. Got mine with 4.6 miles on it from Capital Ford in Carson City, Nevada two weeks ago :<)))))))))))!

Jason Watt

Had both, sold both
Mark II Lifetime
Oct 14, 2005
Copenhagen, Denmark
3660 - ~230 totaled - ~120 stolen = 3310 - 16 (two owners who own 8 each) - 12 (Larry Miller SLC) - 9 (3 3 car owners on this site) = 3273. Get into the "2" GT owner category and it's way down there.

120 stolen - and not found?!?!?!?! :eek


GT Owner
Apr 22, 2007
calgary, canada
Should one also deduct fgtx (600) as they are somewhat different and more expensive?


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 7, 2005
Fort Worth, TX
Sure am glad I got mine when I did--

+1 more...


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
May 19, 2007
Katy, Texas
For the 2006 cars that are being bought and sold at todays rate, can I ask what is the going price for a car with under 500 miles. I have spotted a few of them, some on MSO and some not but am reluctant to pull the trigger due to everything I see being over sticker....



GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Dec 20, 2005
Scottsdale, AZ.
For the 2006 cars that are being bought and sold at todays rate, can I ask what is the going price for a car with under 500 miles. I have spotted a few of them, some on MSO and some not but am reluctant to pull the trigger due to everything I see being over sticker....


Hard to second guess. There was a period where they were had for MSRP or a tad under. Think you will be lucky to see one at MSRP. Guess is that it will be over from this point on.

You can wait (lot of predictions of 100K GTs), but at the moment the prices seem to be solid and increasing for some.

Pull the trigger. You are only talking a couple percent when you look at the car as a whole. If I had waited, I probably could have save a couple grand. So what - I would not have had the car to drive. Many paid MSRP and over (some a LOT over). Not too many compalining that they own it. You will complain if you don't own it. Remember, regrets are not what you buy, they are for what you didn't buy.


The Favor Factory™
Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
120 stolen - and not found?!?!?!?! :eek

I believe the guy who had the figures said 97 were never recovered. I'll give you one guess where they probably end up (hint* it rhymes with Riddle Feast). :lol


GT Owner
Apr 22, 2007
calgary, canada
It seems that supply at canadian dealers has dryed up in the last few weeks.
Canadian MSRP is $198,999 ($186,350 U.S.). Remember Canada can not import any more cars , so this is an isolated market. GT's per capita is about the same as U.S. however we are willing to pay more and generally have a shorter driving season. I don't know if we are smarter or dumber for paying more but we sure love 'em


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Sep 9, 2006
Get into the "2" GT owner category and it's way down there.

Got a guess as to how many "2" GT owners there are?


GT Owner
Jan 29, 2007
Lodi Ca.
You also have to take into consideration that large amounts of the cars have been modifyed and raced, This will limit the availability of a low mile unmolested cars that will be around in a year or 2......I don't think that the GTX1 will have an impact on the cars available as the 600 cars they say they will build mostlikly is more of a wish:frown than a reality..... I would not chop up a GT as IMO it is like repainting the Mona Lisa, these cars are art work and cutting them up is sacrilage............:ack


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Mar 28, 2007
Santa Monica
I bought a 06 tungsten from a ford dealer in Monterey CA three months ago. I paid 12K over list for a new car. I almost bought a red 05 with 2300 miles for $155,000. I called every ad (literally) in autotrader and half had previously sold. The supply is drying up.

w. mitty

GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 1, 2005
Sure am glad I got mine when I did--now I'm in the mood to go home and drive it:biggrin

I don't think I've ever shared this: I bought my car in August of '06 from a small dealer in the upper mid west with three miles on it, still in the wrappers, for $154,000. May be the only time I've ever made (or will ever make) a money smart move with an exotic car. The sad truth is, I could buy a Honda Civic Si for what I usually lose on each exotic car deal...:frown

Not this time, primarily because the GT is my "keeper":thumbsup


GT Owner #1872
Mark II Lifetime
Jan 7, 2007
Central, Illinois
I don't think I've ever shared this: I bought my car in August of '06 from a small dealer in the upper mid west with three miles on it, still in the wrappers, for $154,000. May be the only time I've ever made (or will ever make) a money smart move with an exotic car. The sad truth is, I could buy a Honda Civic Si for what I usually lose on each exotic car deal...
WOW, what an absolute steal! Great find!