Great start to my morning


Big Dawg!
Mark IV Lifetime
Mar 9, 2006
Well, I get in the car, and as I am pulling out I notice that my wife parked our new truck outside on our curb. As I am looking at it, I notice that my passenger side window is blown out!!! :ack
So I walk over and find that some low life broke into the truck, and took everything they could, which was not much since I do not leave things in the truck. They did take my sales contract for the truck, which has some info on my wife. Other than that, the police said this has been happening a lot lately.
Damn! I wish I could have caught them. Then again, I am glad I didn't because I would not be here typing this. :lol
A lot of people just plain suck! :thumbsdow


The Favor Factory™
Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
Petty criminals. :bang That sucks, but it could have been worse, right?

I always say it'd be worth them doing it just for me to catch them doing it, until I remember how much I like not living in a cell...


Big Dawg!
Mark IV Lifetime
Mar 9, 2006
That's the thing.
I am a gun collector, and if I saw someone ripping me off, I would immediately grab one of my guns, probably my AR15, since that would scare the snot out of them and make them give it up immediately. But then you have to remember, if they are armed as well, someone is going to get shot, and is it really worth it for a broken window?
It's makes more sense to not do anything and just call the cops, but the drawback is nothing ever comes of it, and they get away with it and keep on doing it. But that's better than winding up in jail, or 6 feet under. Even though the guy is a scum bag, I would not want take his life, but knowing me, in the heat of the moment, and if he is armed, I may. :frown


GT Owner
Nov 2, 2005
SF Bay Area in California
Yes, you have to be careful in the Peoples Republic of Kalifornia.

If you arrive home one day and see a dirt bag is in your home walking outside a door with your wife jewelry box. You ask him to stop and to please return the jewelry box, he replies I don't mean you any harm sir, I just need your jewelry to support my drug habit. You cannot shoot him, or cause physical harm to him without fear of civil, or criminal prosecution in CA.

A liberal would tell you to say, "I know you need this more than I do, besides I am insured, if you need anything else just come back tomorrow, but please try to do it when I am not home.



GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 4, 2006
Belleville, IL
Breaking into cars is a felony boys, these days related to carjacking.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Feb 18, 2006
New Jersey
ROCMAN, it sounds like it's time to move man ... pd :confused :confused


Big Dawg!
Mark IV Lifetime
Mar 9, 2006
I live in a great area. There is a lot of new construction, and that bring more unruly people into our area. Not to mention, I just moved here a year ago. :biggrin
This is not a geographical problem. This happens in the best of neighborhoods. It just sucks that it happened to me. :thumbsdow

Kirby Vieira

GT Owner/B.o.D
Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 22, 2005
Here's a happy story for you. Most things in life, good or bad, eventually make a full circle of reward or retribution . Earlier this week I received an email from a Southern California Cop with a warning the pics were gruesome. They were actually some great pics of a dead SOB from the 18th Street LA Gang who looked a little low on air under the wheels of a semi tractor trailer that ran over him and stopped directly on top of him after he tried to car-jack the slowly moving Semi. He jumped up on the driver side and stuck a gun in the driver's face before the driver opened the door, knocking the ganster to the street and under the wheels of the truck. Fortunately the driver slammed on the brakes at the perfect time to keep the thief from running away. The driver also found it the perfect time to whip out his Fuji Disposable Camera to capture the moment.


Big Dawg!
Mark IV Lifetime
Mar 9, 2006
Well, the window got fixed for $200 plus 2 hours of my time.
At least I went home early and took my kid to Hobby People and bought some stuff, as well as the Disney store to get him a costume. Always nice to bond with the children. :biggrin
I guess that is better than Jail time. :wink


Totally ****** Up
Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Aug 2, 2006
Dallas, TX
As your friendly neighborhood bail bondsman, I would like to recommend a little jail time to everyone this holiday season. Cheers :cheers

Crime Pays


Heritage GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jail Time?

Fubar said:
As your friendly neighborhood bail bondsman, I would like to recommend a little jail time to everyone this holiday season. Cheers :cheers

Crime Pays

I thought you were offering "free" bond to all of us Texans?:biggrin

"Fire 'Em Up & Run 'Em Hard":thumbsup
:banana :party :banana


Totally ****** Up
Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Aug 2, 2006
Dallas, TX
Spirit, if you go to jail for doing 200+ mph in Dallas County, I promise to get you out.... but I'm not paying for the ticket.


Heritage GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
FUBAR - Our new HERO in Dallas ~

Fubar said:
Spirit, if you go to jail for doing 200+ mph in Dallas County, I promise to get you out.... but I'm not paying for the ticket.

You're a GENT.:thumbsup

The ticket would be VERY expensive.:thumbsdow

GT "Addiction" causes normal (well somewhat normal) people to do strange things at times.:eek
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