Ford GT servicing requires a dedicated clean room


GT Owner
Feb 10, 2006

And a dedicated trailer. And a dedicated technician.

Ford made it pretty difficult to place an order for the new GT. But it seems like it will be even harder for Ford dealers to become authorized service centers.

An internal document obtained by All Ford Mustangs detailed the requirements Ford will place on GT service centers, including the need for a dedicated clean room in which to work on the car.

Dedicated service technicians will be trained by Multimatic - the Canadian company that will build the GT - but will only be allowed to carry out certain jobs. Basic service and repair work will be done in house, but anything more involved will require help from a Multimatic technician, over the phone or as a 'Fly-in Doctor'. For major work, the car will simply be sent back to the factory.

Dealers will also need a specified trailer for collections and deliveries, a specified set of dolly wheels for putting the car on a lift, and a bespoke transmission jack. Add in the technician's training, and dealers could face a bill totalling $50,000.

The document even goes into detail about how GT owners should be handled - a dedicated service manager must be on hand at all times - and how the car should be treated while on-site - never left outside, always covered when no work is being done, only driven by the dedicated technician or service manager, and so on.

Most of the costs will eventually be passed onto GT owners, of course. But considering the car is expected to cost $400,000, it's a fair bet they can afford to spend a bit extra on servicing.


GT Owner
Jul 26, 2010
Las Vegas, NV


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
May 16, 2013
Frankfurt Area, Germany
Not sure if this uncommon, but nearly every service room at Audi dealers I have seen during the past years was so clean that it kind of looked like an invitation to eat from the floor.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Dec 10, 2013
Phoenix, AZ
I wish our GT's got "clean room" treatment. I don't even want to get my airbag recall done at the Ford's around here unless I pull up a chair and watch. :frown