Follow up on wreck


GT Owner
Feb 27, 2006
South Carolina
I spoke to a man that was at the accident site today and he had a few photos of the wreck that he sent to me. It appears that the accident did happen but not all the details were correct . It seems the wreck happened in December of 2005 in Naples , Fla. and at the time of the accident the story from the driver was that the throttle had a problem , but as all the feedback indicated it was probably driver error . I was told that the driver hit a bank but the photos show trees in the middle of the road . The man that took the photo said that the airbags did not open but I can't find anyone that can verify the story of the engine still running at high RPM's when help arrived. Now I need some help from a member , I can attach these photos to a email but I can't get them to attach to this thread so if someone can send me an email address that knows how to post them we can all take a look . In closing I want to let all the members know that my intention in the first post was not to spread gossip but to try and keep all of my fellow members up on any information I hear that may impact our safety . I know that there are a lot of people that look for any reason to say negitive things about our cars but I am not one , I am a proud GT owner . It's a great car and nothing puts a smile on my face quicker than turning that key and pushing that red button . Thanks DBK for this forum and all the members input. :biggrin



GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jan 11, 2006
Coral Gables
I heard about this car, if I'm not mistaken it was on its way to a dealer to be put on consignment. I was warned to stay away from a white/blue GT in florida that might have sounded a little cheap since I purchased my car a couple of weeks after the wreck.


GT aficionado
Mark IV Lifetime
Feb 17, 2006
Grand Junction, CO
Centerpunch - Thanks for posting the photos! Not a pretty sight. :frown

I guess not everything makes it to the news down here. Hopefully this is the last one we'll see for awhile & thanks for sharing that story w/us JT.