Fighter jets (F-22 et al)


Huge ****ing Crybaby
May 15, 2006
(Break-out thread)

I assume most everyone that enjoys fast cars would enjoy fast jets?


What is happening there? They're clearly not missiles homing in on the jet (hope not) - is that 'chaff'? i.e. the decoy heat things to divert incoming missiles? If so, why is there chaff so much wider than the wings?
It is chaff but sent by a jet behind the F-22. It is a publicity photo issued by the manufacturer of the F-22.

It is interesting that you mention it as you guys invented it.

Nevertheless, please don't underestimate the fighting ability of the F-22. If you are the enemy and see the bomb doors open, run like heck:

A F-117:


Huge ****ing Crybaby
May 15, 2006
A F-22 in flight releasing firepower:

A F-22; inverted:

Resting, but do not doubt it's ability:

Am I banned yet? :biggrin


GT Owner
Oct 19, 2005
London, UK
Photo two looks amazing (the bomb doors open). It must be such a thrill flying those things.


GT Owner
Oct 19, 2005
London, UK
We shouldn't do this here should we!! Otherwise we'll have pictures of peoples cats on here next!!

However thanks for sharing those - that upside down one is incredible.

No more though, you'll get into trouble and it would be my fault!



Huge ****ing Crybaby
May 15, 2006

Neilda said:
No more though, you'll get into trouble and it would be my fault!
No, you are a veteran poster and GT owner; I am the new guy.

[Inverted] Did you see "Top Gun"? The picture above always reminds me of the dialog in that movie:

Charlie: So lieutenant, where exactly were you?
Maverick: Well, we...
Goose: Thank you.
Maverick: Started up on a 6, when he pulled from the clouds, and then I moved in above him.
Charlie: Well, if you were directly above him, how could you see him?
Maverick: Because I was inverted.
Iceman: [coughs whilst saying] Bullshit.
Goose: No he was man, it was a really great move. He was inverted.
Charlie: You were in a 4g inverted dive with a MiG28?
Maverick: Yes ma'am.
Charlie: At what range?
Maverick: Um, about 2 meters.
Goose: It was actually about 1 and a half I think. It was 1 and a half, I've got a great Polaroid of it, and he's right there, must be 1 and a half.
Maverick: Was a nice picture.
Goose: Thanks.
Charlie: Eh lieutenant, what were you doing there?
Goose: Communicating.
Maverick: Communicating. Keeping up foreign relations. You know, giving him the bird!
Goose: [Charlie looks puzzled, so Goose clarifies] You know, the finger
[gestures appropriately]
Charlie: Yes, I know the finger, Goose.
Goose: I-I'm sorry, I hate it when it does that, I'm sorry. Excuse me.


The Favor Factory™
Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
I would pay the U.S Government to be a fighter pilot. How's that for a deal Uncle Sam? Screw four wheels. Too small though, I assume, 5'9 160.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 7, 2005
Fort Worth, TX
Doc said:
It is chaff but sent by a jet behind the F-22. It is a publicity photo issued by the manufacturer of the F-22.

Actually, those are flares (probably MJU-8 or MJU-27), not chaff. Chaff is not that easy to see when it is dispensed. Chaff looks like little puffs of grey smoke when they come out of the "buckets". Those flares also look like they came out of the F-22 in the picture during a "flare salvo".

I got my first up-close tour of an F-22 at Langley two weeks ago. A friend of a friend gave us the nickel tour before he took off for an air show. The unrestricted climb was eye watering. The Harrier can climb at a pretty good rate, but the Raptor is in a different league.

Great pictures of an awesome jet.

Semper Fi,


GT Owner
Staff member
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 13, 2006
Scottsdale, Arizona
Not too small.

DBK said:
I would pay the U.S Government to be a fighter pilot. How's that for a deal Uncle Sam? Screw four wheels. Too small though, I assume, 5'9 160.
5'9" and 160 falls well within the range to fly fighters. 20/20 vision, 26 years old max, no allergies, good hearing, normal color vision, and a monster ego are required as well. Question: How do you know if there is a Fighter Pilot at your party? Answer: He'll tell you. Semper Fi.



GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 7, 2005
Fort Worth, TX
ChipBeck said:
5'9" and 160 falls well within the range to fly fighters. 20/20 vision, 26 years old max, no allergies, good hearing, normal color vision, and a monster ego are required as well. Question: How do you know if there is a Fighter Pilot at your party? Answer: He'll tell you. Semper Fi.


You forgot the big watch! The more numbers and dials the better.

Definitely the best job in the world.

Semper Fi,
Waldo :usa


Huge ****ing Crybaby
May 15, 2006
ChipBeck said:
Question: How do you know if there is a Fighter Pilot at your party? Answer: He'll tell you.
If I ever meet one, the drinks are on me.

20/20 vision, 26 years old max, no allergies, good hearing, normal color vision, and a monster ego are required as well.
I'd add: Courage, intelligence (it's certainly not a low-tech occupation), and precision quick reflexes.

I'm sure I couldn't put one down in choppy seas (with fog) on the only one spot that keeps you from drowning:


Huge ****ing Crybaby
May 15, 2006

Here is a little tech on what was called "Top Gun":

NSAWC is now designated as the premiere aviation center of excellence and the primary authority on training and tactics development for the US Navy. This designation carries an assortment of responsibilities. NSAWC personnel train pilots and ground personnel, assess the results of that training, and recommend requirements for future training programs. They research and develop priorities for integrated strike warfare, maritime and land air superiority, strike fighter employment, airborne battle management, combat search and rescue, close air support, and associated planning and support systems.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 7, 2005
Fort Worth, TX
Doc said:
If I ever meet one, the drinks are on me.
If I ever meet a GT owner, the drinks are on me.



Huge ****ing Crybaby
May 15, 2006
The SR-71; the fastest flier in the world....

Happy 4th!


It's airborne:


SR-71. The crown jewel of aircraft in the first 100 years of flight. The Blackbird did more to shape American foreign policy during the Cold War than any other plane. Despite its premature retirement in 1990, the SR-71 still holds every speed and altitude record.