Confirmed Evidence that E.P. does...


Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
May 25, 2006
Ft. Lauderdale
does in fact Exist !!! :biggrin
I heard the mysterious all elusive Empty Pockets was roaming the halls of SEMA. Many have wonder if he was a real guy or just some young kid internet poser. After some super sleuth detective work and some quick thinking I was able to secretly snap this spy photo of him..... :secret:

OOppps..... sorry... he was with some hot unidentifiable babe and I guess I had a premature shutter reaction... Anyway he is in fact a real live human and a real car guy... A very nice soft spoken man I must say....
I think I know why he never drove his GT.. Frankly, I think it scared him !!!! :rofl
Who loves ya Larry...:biggrin


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GT Owner
Mar 3, 2006
Lago Vista, TX
Who could get off on so many parked cars under one roof. He has a car in the garage fetish. He was just feeding his need.


Proud Owner/ BOD blah bla
Mark IV Lifetime
Feb 14, 2006
North Carolina
Larry the Garage Lizzard in Las Vegas - whoa boy.......:cheers

Luke Warmwater

Permanent Vacation
Jul 29, 2009
Boondocks, Colorado
You know you're getting old when you just give up on the whole shoe lace thing and go straight for the the Velcro. Sorry Pockets lol. Those things are really white!


Those are the cleanest white shoes I have ever seen. I'll bet Larry drives a BMW and is staying at the Wynn....


Well-known member
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Nov 3, 2005
Renton, Washington
Tidy Whites

Those are the cleanest white shoes I have ever seen. I'll bet Larry drives a BMW and is staying at the Wynn....

Spot On!:thumbsup

Truthfully the BMW is his wife's. But I have seen him drive it. :eek

Nice sunny day's only.

The good thing is that EP's wife is much nicer than he is!

:cheers Larry


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 15, 2006
Looks like his feet are in that permanent EP position - left foot in the dead pedal position (don't want to take any chances), and right foot up on the brake pedal.

A little "brpp brpp brpp brpp" sound from the lips - the kind every one of made when we pushed a car across the floor when we were 8 years old....

Who needs to really drive the darn thing.

Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
Yeeeeeew know whut I like about all yewz peoplez?

Not one DADGUM thing...thatz whut. :tongue :lol

All bull feathers aside, gentlemen (& M.J.!), it was a genuine pleasure to meet those of you who attended the memorial dinner. It's nice to finally be able to put 'faces' to some of the 'Forum names. Many have stated on N-U-M-E-R-O-U-S threads/posts what a warm buncha people 'Forum members are - especially "in person". Well, I can now confirm that personally...although I already new it anyway 'from afar', as it were!

And a special thanks to Ralphie for making wifey & I (the total party crashers we were) immediately feel welcome - and for providing the Maker's for the toast to BONY (may he rest in peace).

(Poor ol' Ralphie WUZ justa weeee bit shell shocked when this total stranger walked up to him and said, "Ralphie, I presume?" "Yes...?", he said with a kinda puzzled look on his face. "Empty Pockets, sir...'not quite what you expected, am I?" :lol But, in his defense, he wasn't the only one who was, shall we say, "caught a bit off guard" that night?! The award for "most noticably shell shocked [disappointed?:biggrin]" had to go to poor Miss M.J.! For a second there I thought she actually might need 'salt's! :rofl)

Oh! A little "inside info" on Storm Kitty? If he drives with the same awareness/skill he demonstrated while WALKING down the isles at SEMA - HE'S GUNNA NEED ANUTHUR GT fer shur wunna these days! :lol

:cheers :thumbsup



GT Owner
Mar 1, 2007
Larry -

It was a pleasure meeting both you and your beautiful wife. Thank you for joining us. :thumbsup



GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Nov 14, 2005
south FL
Hey Travelcat-- I don't believe that is EP.
Stop messing around with random old people!


Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jun 28, 2006
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
Larry it was nice meeting you and your wife at our Black DevonGTX display.

andy AJB


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Dec 3, 2006
EP does exist... but beware. He employs a double. So ... was that really EP and Wife or was it the doubles?

I know for a FACT that EP can't go thru vegas without Banana's foster. :wink


Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
May 25, 2006
Ft. Lauderdale
EP does exist... but beware. He employs a double. So ... was that really EP and Wife or was it the doubles?

I know for a FACT that EP can't go thru vegas without Banana's foster. :wink

Oh Trust me !! I was him. I have been studying his speech patterns here !!! :lol


Mark II Lifetime
Apr 11, 2008
Lake Las Vegas, Henderson, NV
EP :thumbsup Velcro shoes :thumbsdow

I saw those shoes playing blackjack at the PussyCat dolls pit at Caesars when I was leaving Pure Friday night......or was that Saturday morning :confused but I did not look up to see the face. Never occured to me it might be EP. :wink :biggrin


Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
You know you're getting old when you just give up on the whole shoe lace thing and go straight for the the Velcro. Sorry Pockets lol. Those things are really white!

Those are the cleanest white shoes I have ever seen. I'll bet Larry drives a BMW and is staying at the Wynn....

EP :thumbsup Velcro shoes :thumbsdow

I saw those shoes playing blackjack at the PussyCat dolls pit at Caesars when I was leaving Pure Friday night......or was that Saturday morning :confused but I did not look up to see the face. Never occured to me it might be EP. :wink :biggrin


Alllllllllllright! Fer yewz turkeys what are badmouthin' muh shoes - them be muh AIRPORT shoes and muh "hike all over SEMA & The Strip" shoes! I don't give a gallopin' clang WHUT they look like or how "old man" the 'straps are!

I can get 'em on & off in a heartbeat going thru security - and they're comfy as they come fer walkin' looooooong distances.

So, yeh kin all jus' STICK A SOCK IN IT!!!!! :slap

(An' by the way, 'rex...if you "saw those SHOES" playin' blackjack ANYWHARS - you had too menny Maker's marks!!!!!


GT Owner
Nov 2, 2005
SF Bay Area in California
You know you're getting old when you just give up on the whole shoe lace thing and go straight for the the Velcro. Sorry Pockets lol. Those things are really white!

It just goes to show that EP walks about as much as he drives! :lol

At least he is consistent.


Where's the cane?

Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
It just goes to show that EP walks about as much as he drives! :lol

At least he is consistent.

Where's the cane?

...'couple uh mizzerbull, no good fer nuthin'...lousy...stinkin'...:mad


Mark II Lifetime
Apr 11, 2008
Lake Las Vegas, Henderson, NV
Now if I would have said I saw those shoes at the high limit baccarat tables you would have claimed them and noted that you were just a little eccentric. :wink :cheers

(Our paths will cross in Vegas one of these days.) :thumbsup

Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
Now if I would have said I saw those shoes AT the high limit baccarat tables...

Stating, "I saw those shoes AT the high limit baccarat tables...", passes muster as far as being a possible physical reality. But stating, "I saw those shoes PLAYING blackjack ...", duzzunt! For, you see, 'tis totally impossible for shoes to play cards at all! :tongue :rofl :cheers

Oh, for cryin' out th' window, Pockets - just go to your darn room 'n' stay there, will ya?:willy

BTW, 'rex, didn't you mention a while back that you weren't going to SEMA this year??? :shrug :confused:confused:confused