Color Matter ?


Well-known member
Jan 1, 2006
Chicago, IL
So I am curious..

Would you think that do to the yellows lower production numbers, it might be a good color choice to get, for when I sell down the road?

I really thought the tungsten would be a good one, but shoot they are making so many of them (probably going to be second only to RED).. It might make sense to get a yellow due to its lower numbers?

For an even smaller group for perspective buyers to pick from.

I know .. I know.. we can avoid the answer of "pick what ever color you like, forget about what the next guy would like"... point is, I like both.. Hell I even love the blue.. so Blue, Yellow or Gray... which do you think would be the best choice for sale in a few years after I have my fun with it?




GT Owner
Mar 8, 2006
Have you seen the Silver with Black :biggrin ?
I had a Silver and a Yellow Viper awhile back. While I like the yellow, it's not like the GT needs to stand out anymore than it already does. In the end I still prefer the Silver and Tungsten type colors on an exotic looking sports car. Don't forget that they didn't make too many Silver/Black stripes either.
Happy Hunting. :banana