Campaign Politics


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Apr 12, 2006
Los Angeles
I never thought this would happen. Guess it is the messengers, eh, and the message too?

and this one is interesting too

Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State


I never figured it would happen either, Doc! I can't BELIEVE that outfit is FINALLY "getting the picture".

(Just as an aside, my bet is the audience ratings for the upcoming O'Reilly interviews with Obama will F-A-R out do Olberman's. Nobody but the faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar left wants to listen to cuddly Keith. And the above link proves that.)
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Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State

Interestingly enough, Gallup currently has a poll that says McCain is now up by TEN. (Though I'd LUV to believe it, I think that's pbly a weeee bit high(!) given the closeness of the race 'til now.)


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Jul 13, 2007
Honolulu, HI
Interestingly enough, Gallup currently has a poll that says McCain is now up by TEN. (Though I'd LUV to believe it, I think that's pbly a weeee bit high(!) given the closeness of the race 'til now.)

I completely agree. I remain very concerned about Obamania.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Apr 12, 2006
Los Angeles
Obamania is a passing phenomenon, hope as short as Oberman's career as the nighttime political anchor. So sorry to see Mathews also canned. You both of these dudes will be spining this stuff until after the election.

We just need to get Bill Mahre canned also. Then I wuld personally burn a tank full of petro adding my carbon foot print to their exit!

O'Reilly was beating on Obama, Where is the lovely Oprah, backing out of inviting Palin on to her show until after the elections. When Palin is VP, she should let Oprah know that she won't have any time to come on her show until 2112 re-election campaign.


Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 5, 2005
Fresno, Ca.
Thanks for starting another politics thread.... we needed that Doc,
how about a gun thread, do you know how anything about full auto weapons, everyone in Arizona shoots at least 1000 rounds on Saturday morning, or they are drummed out of the state... :)


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Apr 12, 2006
Los Angeles
My Kind of State! Let's get Gov Palin out there hunting Democratic Mountian Sheep!

No pics yet of the Scottsdale FGT gathering? how was th first night's activities.
OBAMA sticker on my Ford GT

My OBAMA sticker looks great on my Ford GT. :thumbsup Sure makes me look like an Elitist. :cool Besides, sometimes we have to think of others less fortunate than ourselves. GW screwed up big time, and the GOP failed us with the worst debt EVER! :ack Time to let the Black Kid have a crack at it. :eek Certainly impossible for him to do worse than GWBush. :thumbsdow Just think of it..... we can drop those expensive health plan benefits provided to our employees. :thumbsup Also, it will be nice to have a President with an IQ for a CHANGE.:wink