Best Ford GT Color Combination


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 15, 2006
Tungsten - Seconded

I've had the luxury to place an order for any color I preferred. I chose the Tungsten/Silver striped car - and I had never even seen it in person. But, I did that last weekend - traveling up to Santa Barbara to see one still in the showroom (at $50K over MSRP). Anyway, I like the color in person even better than the photos so I am very happy with my choice. The issue is that after having seen it, the wait becomes harder!!

I agree with others - it's hard to make a bad choice. I like the red a lot but it is just too popular and it is too easy a target on the freeway. I think a solid yellow would have been my second choice. Yes, it's a freeway stand out too, but *I think* it is more rare and therfore more desireable to me.

Although both very attractive, it is also kind of weird to see a red car and a darker color side by side. The red is very racey.... kind of a "I'm gonna rip your balls off" color. The darker colors are "meaner" looking in my subjective opinion... but a little more mature. "I know I can rip your balls off, and maybe I will or maybe I'll let the red guy over here do it."

Finally, just one more observation.

Seeing a GT in person is soooo much different than seeing a picture. Too me, it is analagous to taking a picture while on the top of a mountain in Kauii (for example) of a beautiful forest/mountain/ocean scene. The picture does no justice to the real experience of being there. The proportions are different and the "scales" cannot be comprehended from the picture. The same is true for the GT. Until you see it in person it is hard to get the scale of how low, how wide, and how menacing the car appears.

Each time I see one in person, I am much more confident in the future value of the car and its rightful place in history.

My $.02.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Sep 9, 2006

Not trying to dig up an old thread...

But thought some pictures might be helpful, for those not as fortunate to see GT's together, like we are at Southern California meets.

Black with no stripes was my first choice, and I went to Pennsyvania to find it. I like it a lot.

I am really becoming a fan of the dark blue. My wife loves the Heritage.





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Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 5, 2005
Fresno, Ca.
BLACK WITH NO STRIPES WAS MY FIRST CHOICE, I HAD ONE... LONG STORY, SOLD IT ON autoweek TO AVOID A DIVORCE. :biggrin Ask me over an adult beverage :eek


GT Owner
Nov 20, 2006
Killer Dana, CA
Shit...all colors look great, you could drive yourself nuts figuring that's what works for you and you stick with it.

Having a Millenium Yellow Z06, I know DLKGT uses Cutter's repellent mixed with wax to fend off the friggan bugz :banana

See you all next Saturday @ Cars & Coffee
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GT Owner
Oct 26, 2006
Stockdale, Ohio
Congrats Great Color Choice. I had to wait three days to get mine after I made the deal because it was at a dealer in PA. Those three days seemed like 3 mos. Hope you took the day off work tomorrow.


Le Mans 2010 Sponsor * Moderator
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 22, 2006
N.E. OH & Naples, FL
I have to say that after seeing Bart Carter's dark blue metallic GT with no stripes and side stripe delete in his garage in Las Vegas, I suddenly realized that what I thought was my favorite color changed in an instant! Too bad neither of mine are in that color!

FlorIdaho Chris

Yeah, I've got one.
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
I agree with Tim. Bart's car looked fantastic. Thank God Centerpoint got his sold or I might have another one. :lol


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Oct 26, 2006
newfoundland canada

ordered mine in black with silver strips.the strip colour helps tie the supercharger etc together it helps down play the bumper brace on the canadian car.
i have put 725 miles on the car here in naples and all is GREAT

Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
Color choice

I wuzzunt gunna weigh in on this'un because, in the end, it's YOUR OWN personel likes & dislikes that determine what color you choose. And, there are no scientific RULES that determine what color is "best" on ANY car regardless. It all boils down to one's own opinion. Buuuuuut, I never COULD keep my mouth shut anyway... soooooooo ...
The color that visually plays on, and compliments, the lines of the GT best(surprise, surprise ... since I own one) is the Midnite Blue metalic pearl. And, I THINK the "pearl" ( and the metalic too, certainly) is the reason ... in addition to 'blue being a DARKER color. The pearl causes the blue to actually change "shades" (and color too in a small way) from surface to surface, which further emphasizes the car's lines. Light plays off of - and dances off of - the body curves and sharp edges of the GT to a much greater degree with the 'blue pearl than any of the other colors ... including "black" because black ABSORBES light. It doesn't "reflect" it. (To a far lesser degree, neither do the other color options, really.)
If you look at a 'blue GT and a GT of any other color parked side by side, the lines of the other car don't appear quite as "sharp" and defined as they do on the 'blue car, and the other car's color looks somewhat "pastel" by comparison as well ( ...except for the black! There ain't no pastel black!!!!). These are REAL SUBTLE differences ...but, they really ARE there if you look close. The 'blue car (and black too in this case) also looks a little longer, wider & lower than the other car... not MUCH ... but a little. (Stand back from a group of GT's parked together sometime and just take a good, long, focused look. I think you'll see what I mean.)
BOTH the 'blue and the black "hide" body gaps and body panel "seams" to a greater degree too... which is a part of the 'line complimenting' deal. But, the 'blue cars lines are "complemented" and "highlited" by the black of the diffuser, front spliter, side spliters,window & hatch trim, etc., ... whereas these things "disappear" on a black car and therefore cannot compliment or highlite anything... they just become a blended, hidden part of the car. (Not that that 's BAD - that's just the way 'tis.)
All that having been said - there IS NO "bad" color choice were the GT is concerned. If that were the case, nunna THOSE woulda sold. (On the other hand, anybody wanna comment on that vomit lime green factory color Lambo has[had?] available on their Murcielago??? :ack )
BUT, AGAIN ... different strokes for different folks. Some of you (most? :biggrin ) will pbly think the above is the biggest buncha crapola and pompous, overblown analysis you've ever heard! AND, YOU JUST MIGHT BE RIGHT! :thumbsup (In fact - I'll stipulate to that!)
However, I'm sure somewhere 'tis written: "E.P.'s is the only opinion that MATTERS!" :eek :rofl :bs :cheers



GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Sep 9, 2006
I am a big fan of Blues, and have had many Blue cars.

The Blue on the GT, IMHO, is outstanding. Great analysis EP - I enjoyed it.

I wanted Black for the GT personally, since I like the stealthy feature on this car, and since it's so gorgeous a shape, I thought I wouldn't mind the extra work to take car of it...We'll see how that goes.

It's funny how color can really impact the personality of a car. There are advantages and disadvantages to every color.

Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
Well, yur danged welcome, Sir (... and yur a man who recognizes profound literary skills too, obviously! :biggrin)



GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Sep 9, 2006
Empty Pockets said:
Well, yur danged welcome, Sir (... and yur a man who recognizes profound literary skills too, obviously! :biggrin)


Here's an easy way for anyone to instantly change their literary skills and match to an appropriate social setting, the dialectizer. It's not exactly politically correct - I sincerely hope this is not overly offensive, and I didn't create it.

Please click if you have a sense of humor.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Bony's Gt history

bony said:
BLACK WITH NO STRIPES WAS MY FIRST CHOICE, I HAD ONE... LONG STORY, SOLD IT ON autoweek TO AVOID A DIVORCE. :biggrin Ask me over an adult beverage :eek

Now Bony,

hush, hush into Bony's world, and tell us the whole story....! Also, how come you did end up with a beautiful white one and avoided the wifecollision... :thumbsup
We all love happy ends, especially around christmas time !



GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
May 8, 2006
Seminole Florida
I chose Red with white stripes just because it looked more RACEY to me. I wish it had Black stripes though. I Just could't get my hands on a plain Red and I can't stand the thought of painting over the white stripes. If Black with Gold stripes had been an option....that would have been for me. I had a GT350H like that and it was really nice. :wink


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Sep 9, 2006
Beach-GT said:
If Black with Gold stripes had been an option....that would have been for me. I had a GT350H like that and it was really nice. :wink

But those hood pins on the clamshell would look strange.



GT Owner/B.O.D
Mark IV Lifetime
Dec 13, 2005
Sandpoint Id
I too love the look of the dark blue and black. The Le Mans winners' color of black also pulled at me. However I can no longer ignore the fack that I'm a meticulous freak about the condition of my toys. Trying to keep the car scuff and scratch free would have driven me over the edge and the wife out the door.
So I went with red and couldn't be happier. Had the car clayed and waxed a week back and it looks nicer than it did on the showroom floor. :thumbsup


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Apr 28, 2006
CHAD said:
I think the Blk/Slvr is the meanest looking and that is what I settled on.

I would love to see a blue with silver stripes. That might just be the ultimate combo but no such animal.

For some reason, yellow is not popular and very rare. I think it looks very purposeful yet somehow out of place on the GT. I don't know why.

Hmmm ... I'd say you're close, just remove the stripes. Black all the way ... course I could be a little biased :thumbsup Let's face, there all pretty damn good!


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Sep 9, 2006
I'd love to see some pics of all black GT's. Can someone post some?

Next best would be to see pics of all dark blue GT's.

Thanks in advance! I know there's gotta be some out there.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Dec 21, 2005
Location, Location
There have been many posted. See KJD's photo gallery for a few black/no stripes shots and if you want to see some really great photography search on Centerpunch's posts for some blue/no stripes shots.


GT Owner
Sep 7, 2006
Hartland MI
What would it take for Ford to keep running GT's?

Lets face it the GT is a world class car, produced by a company that is struggling to gain market share and set it self up in peoples mind for producing world class cars. This car surpasses so many sports cars and exotics, I wonder how Ford would have evolved the design in the years to come?
Cruise control, T-roof, more power V10 ? If GM can sell Corvetts and make money and DMC sells Vipers and Prowlers, in my mind this would be a model that would be safe from the other car makers and would be the one to beat. That is a great postion to be in as a car maker. I have had many car owners say they would have ordered one but didn't know about it till after they bought something else. Ford must like the model, they still have a 06 on their 07 model website.

Has there ever been any thought if directed mail effort would help keep the model alive? Or what would it take to have them change there mind in the Glass House? I remember NBC added a 3rd season to Star Trek in the 60's because of a letter campain, the rest is history. Perhaps we don't want the GT to come back, maybe it would hurt the value?