Anyone ever consider a Lambo door

Awsum GT

GT Owner '18
Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 17, 2005
Carmel & Cntrl Ca
Anyone ever consider a lambo door conversion?


GT Owner
Mar 25, 2006
new jersey
Yep, just waiting for the GTX1 guys to get it out, which should be soon.


GT Owner
Apr 17, 2006
Absolutely not! Why would you alter this cars structure, the doors are already unique, one of a kind to my knowledge.
I don't even get the GTX deal, yeah it looks good but the GT40 was a coupe is a coupe and should stay a coupe. Just my opinion, I'm not into cutting up my GT. To each their own and good luck to you GTX guys...


GT Owner
Mar 25, 2006
new jersey
Personally, I have a space problem in my garage, so the gull wing approach will greatly enhance ingress and egress. Why does anyone want to enhance the car in any way? With that philosophy, nobody would change pullies, exhaust systems...


GT Owner
Apr 17, 2006
rsilverman, I did not say I wouldn't enhance my GT, I said I wouldn't cut it up. Pulley's, exhaust etc. is bolt on bolt off, no fabricating involved and original parts are easily replaced. Removing doors and roof panels is quite different.

Centerpunch, I had no idea their was a roadster. How many did they build and how come Ford did not follow this up with a modern day GT roadster.
I'm quite curious to hear the answer...Thanks


GT Owner
Mar 25, 2006
new jersey
Hey Bigdan, just to continue, in a friendly way of course, my 'tack' The pullies, and other engine mods are indeed bolt on/off, but they may significantly alter the structural integrity of a car that was designed for the specs it had when it left the factory.


GT Owner
Apr 17, 2006
Agreed, they alter the original designated specs but I respectfully disagree using the word "structural" when it comes to bolt on/off changes. See if this analogy makes sense! You decide you want to put all new appliances in your kitchen. You do this w/out altering the walls, floor countertops etc. because you purchased appliances that would fit perfectly into the already designated locations. No strucures have been altered and you can place your old appliances back if you chose to do so. This is getting to deep, isn't it? :biggrin I hear what you are saying, can you hear me? :banana
P.S. How deep into Jersey are you? Have you ever been to Bear Mountain on a Wednesday night? BD40


GT Owner
Apr 17, 2006
centerpunch said:
I think there was just one GT40 roadster.....

And here I felt like I just fell off the turnip truck. Has anyone ever seen this car? I would bet it's priceless if it exists!!!

Awsum GT

GT Owner '18
Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 17, 2005
Carmel & Cntrl Ca
I thought you could add the lambo doors with out changing anything but the hinges. Once installed you can't go back to stock? If that's the case I wouldn't do it. I would only consider it if it was reversable.


GT Owner
Mar 25, 2006
new jersey
Hey Bigdan
I'm in Northern Jersey, probably about 20 min's from Bear Mtn.
What goes on there Wednesdays?
And, just to continue our bantering: I think the real Kitchen analogy would be putting a BBQ in your kitchen, not just changing a microwave or stove. Some people are talking about increasing HP by 50 to 100%.


GT Owner
Apr 17, 2006
Rob, Bear Mountain pulls in 600-800 cars on Wednesday nights. You name it, hotrods, race cars, exotics, bikes it's all their. Maybe we can meet one Wednesday night, roll in together and stop traffic. I see you have a Heritage, I have a Tungsten. Can you imagine the crowd response when they see not one but two GT's. As you know we don't get to see many/any GT's in our neck of the woods. Heck I've only seen one since they've been out. I would say literally 99% of the people who see my car say it's the first one they've ever seen and 60% of them don't even know what a GT is. It would be a fun night. Dan
Don't put a moustache on the Mona Lisa.


Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 5, 2005
Fresno, Ca.
sure resolves the issue of not being able to get in/out in a tight parking lot or garage. the kits i have seen require reworking the hinges. all sorts of companies doing it, have no idea if anyone has done a kit for the GT


GT Owner
Mar 25, 2006
new jersey
Yeah, Bigdan, that'd be a blast. Let me know what you're schedule's like, and
we'll try to meet up there.
PS I never did care for DaVinci (kidding)


GT Owner
Apr 17, 2006
rsilverman said:
Yeah, Bigdan, that'd be a blast. Let me know what you're schedule's like, and
we'll try to meet up there.
PS I never did care for DaVinci (kidding)

Sounds good Rob! Maybe we can shoot for the 28th of June and if not we'll go in July. I'll pm you (feel free to do the same) regarding that date.
PS actually she might look better with a stache!!! :biggrin :banana :slap


Proud Owner/ BOD blah bla
Mark IV Lifetime
Feb 14, 2006
North Carolina