Any mac users?


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2006
After working at a company for over a year which only used macs, becoming a Apple certified technician, and man hours of debating with myself, I made the switch. :cheers

Reasons why I didn't get a mac before
1-All mac owners are too stupid to use a pc.
I noticed that as a Computer Science student, and A+ cert repair tech I still wanted a mac. Just because I know how to fight viruses, spyware, and constant updates, doesn't mean I WANT to! Also about half the computer science students now use macs at my university.
2-No good software runs on a mac.
I kept telling myself that, so I wrote down everything that doesn't run on a mac that I use.
1- Games
2- ugh, can't think of anything.....
Oh, and actually Final cut pro ONLY runs on a mac, my my how things change!
3- Too many liberals own macs.
Still a valid point :frown

Anyways, I made the switch and picked up a macbook. Got the white one for looks, and i'm going to upgrade the ram to 2gb and the hard drive to a 7200rpm one.

Am I alone, or have others of you made the switch too? :banana


GT Owner
May 17, 2007
Sarasota, FL
I've been a Mac user for over 20 years and I have never regretted it.


The Favor Factory™
Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
All my stuff is Mac. I'm about to buy a Mac Pro for the house. My Powerbook was good to me, and my Macbook has been a workhouse. At this point, I have a hard time envisioning myself ever moving back to a PC.


Gt Owner
Jan 11, 2006
me too...Macs all the way since the first 64k


GTX1 Owner/Moderator
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Dec 15, 2006
Nev./So. Cal./Minn.
:thumbsup Count another since the beginning. Conservative Republican to boot since day 1!


GT Owner
Jul 14, 2006
So. Ca.
3 mac powerbooks in the familly replaced 3 pcs. I have only found one aplication I couldnot do on the macs. Jeppesen will not download the GPS nav updates for the airplane (windows only). But I here the new dual intel processor macs can run either operating system. The macs seem to work more reliably and better.:thumbsup


Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 5, 2005
Fresno, Ca.
Mac Power Book Pro user...
Mac User from 20+ years...
Also stockholder,.... but no I phone yet :)


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Oct 1, 2006
Greensboro NC - IOP, SC
My 2 cents.

I have been in the computer business for 25 years, I sold personal computers for Xerox before IBM had a PC. My company currently sells about 25M in PC stuff a year to businesses and schools . My $.02.

The reason MAC's don't get hit with viruses is that the small volume of users and minimal mayhem that could be caused by hackers is not worth their effort.

MAC's run the most popular software programs for 2 reasons. The older MAC used customized versions of the software written for Apple, files were not very cross compatible. The new MAC's have Intel processors therefore they can run standard programs and share files.

MAC's are like exotic cars, beautifully designed, sleek, special one off features, and expensive, just not pratical for everyday use.

As they migrate further toward Intel based processors and Windows based apps they willl be subject to the same viruses and issues that plague PC users. Then they will just be part of the mainstream, only cooler.

The fact is it doesn't matter much about the hardware, it's the OS (Operating System). As long as Microsoft has the doiminate OS (and the accompanying apps) whoever runs there OS and apps willl have market share.

An Appple running dual OS's and cross platform apps is probably the best of all. It's just too expensive for the average user.

"and that's all I've got to say about that"


Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 5, 2005
Fresno, Ca.
I have been in the computer business for 25 years, I sold personal computers for Xerox before IBM had a PC. My company currently sells about 25M in PC stuff a year to businesses and schools . My $.02.

The reason MAC's don't get hit with viruses is that the small volume of users and minimal mayhem that could be caused by hackers is not worth their effort.

MAC's run the most popular software programs for 2 reasons. The older MAC used customized versions of the software written for Apple, files were not very cross compatible. The new MAC's have Intel processors therefore they can run standard programs and share files.

MAC's are like exotic cars, beautifully designed, sleek, special one off features, and expensive, just not pratical for everyday use.

As they migrate further toward Intel based processors and Windows based apps they willl be subject to the same viruses and issues that plague PC users. Then they will just be part of the mainstream, only cooler.

The fact is it doesn't matter much about the hardware, it's the OS (Operating System). As long as Microsoft has the doiminate OS (and the accompanying apps) whoever runs there OS and apps willl have market share.

An Appple running dual OS's and cross platform apps is probably the best of all. It's just too expensive for the average user.

"and that's all I've got to say about that"

Can't agree more with you than three thumbs up:thumbsup:thumbsup:thumbsup


If someone gave me a mac, I would use it as a wheel choc - seroiusly!!! Steve Jobs may be a smart man, but he does not treat his people or his country well.

I've worked in the US DoD market for a very long time and on numerous occasions there were valid reasons to use a mac - let me just say imagery related. The company and its liberal management buffoons went out of their way to slam doors shut when certain software enhancements were requested!

The average Joe does not realize how much our military uses the MS Operating System and MS Office on a day to day basis. PowerPoint is the most utilized software in the world and by a longshot. National security exists at different levels and a Mac can never be certified to properly move data across security domains (I dont think the company even cares) and believe me, many have tried. Apple always turned their nose at our military and Microsoft always worked with the DoD with open arms - at least in my experience.

If you are happy with your Mac, God bless you and enjoy it. But as far as I am concerned they can keep it.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Aug 11, 2006
Surf City, USA
If someone gave me a mac, I would use it as a wheel choc - seroiusly!!! Steve Jobs may be a smart man, but he does not treat his people or his country well.

I've worked in the US DoD market for a very long time and on numerous occasions there were valid reasons to use a mac - let me just say imagery related. The company and its liberal management buffoons went out of their way to slam doors shut when certain software enhancements were requested!

The average Joe does not realize how much our military uses the MS Operating System and MS Office on a day to day basis. PowerPoint is the most utilized software in the world and by a longshot. National security exists at different levels and a Mac can never be certified to properly move data across security domains (I dont think the company even cares) and believe me, many have tried. Apple always turned their nose at our military and Microsoft always worked with the DoD with open arms - at least in my experience.

If you are happy with your Mac, God bless you and enjoy it. But as far as I am concerned they can keep it.


You are right on. Our national defense is dependent upon Microsoft OS. It is also quite surprising how dependent our scientists are on Excel for building weapon systems.

The counterpoint to your statement regarding openness to software enhancements (which is quite true...except if you are talking about Jobs' old venture with NeXT) is Oracle. Larry Ellison understood the DoD world and knew the impact that federal dollars would have on his company at a very early age....and exploited it. They are the defacto standard.


Hi Herb,

Oracle is a bit of an inigma as well but they are always there to help, regardless.

Larry is an odd ball, but like Steve he is a pretty sharp business man. You are correct as far as the DoD dependence on software goes and I really believe that in the end consumers decide what will become a market dominant force.

BTW, hope that black beauty is well pampered. Let me know if you need some cleaning tips! :cheers


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Aug 11, 2006
Surf City, USA
Let me know if you need some cleaning tips! :cheers

I now carry a quick detailer in the car since your instruction :thumbsup