71 years ago today...

Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State


GT Owner
Mar 1, 2007
Terrible Day!!

However, interestingly enough, I was born almost exactly 9 months after 12/07/41....:confused :facepalm:

Vince H

GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 23, 2012
Southern California
I have had the prevelidge of visiting Pearl Harbor. It should be 101 for all Americans.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 7, 2005
Fort Worth, TX
My wife lost a great uncle on the USS Oklahoma at Pearl Harbor.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 7, 2008
Lafayette, CO
I've read about and watched documentaries about the attack on Pearl over the years but heard something on a History channel doc yesterday that I previously did not appreciate. The number of wounded overwhelmed the capacity, so the treatment for many was morphine. Then they ran out of morphine. Damn.

the Wizard

GT Owner
Jul 16, 2012
Los Angeles
Yes, visiting Pearl Harbor was shockingly more emotional than I would have thought. Highly recommended. Lots of stunning memorabilia in the museum. And then the Arizona, still leaking a small amount of oil to this day. Also interesting was how many Japanese visit there....lots....I guess their history as well.


GT Owner
Jul 26, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
7 qts a day. My best friend ever was one of the divers studying it.

Those who served and survived have the right to have their ashes interred there. How awesome


Blue/white 06'
Mark II Lifetime
7 qts a day. My best friend ever was one of the divers studying it.

Do I remember they fear when the mail bunker oil tank ruptures due to corrosion? Lots more oil to come?

I have been there one time. Definitely moving. I w wonder how more it would be if the superstructure & turrrets had been left intact