4 post lift for a GT


GT Owner
Aug 30, 2011
I am thinking I would really like to have a 4 post lift in the garage. It would have to occupy the same space the GT normally parks in. I was thinking of a bendpak 4 post with the ramps in the upper most position and parking under them. Anyone do this? Does it make entry and exit from the GT that much more diffecult? Have I overlooked some other consideration? My garage is standard 8' and fully sheetrocked so height limit and garage door clearance is a concern.


I have the Bendpak 4 Post at the recommendation of Cooltech aka Kendall. Awesome setup, you will not go wrong.

Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
The way I read this, you're not going to store any other car ON the lift, 'just going to park the GT under the raised hoist ramps until you need the hoist for service work. Assuming the garage door doesn't say "hello" to the posts when it's opened, you shouldn't have any problem...and simple measurements and math will tell you if there's going to be an issue with that.

One would think the ramps should be well out of the way (vertically) for getting in & out of the GT when they're in the "up" position. The only clearance 'issue' you might have is clearing the distance between the posts (width-wise) when driving under the hoist. The GT is listed at 77" wide (round figures), so check to make sure the 'posts are further apart than that.

(Edit: Most overhead garage door tracks [I'm assuming you have the overhead type] can be adjusted a couple inches in regard to how far beneath the ceiling the door hangs when 'open'. If you find you need juuuuuuust a bit more vertical clearance for the 'posts, you ought to be able to arrange it. How far into the garage you can locate the hoist will also help as far as 'post clearance where the garage door 'bends' when open.)

(Edit #2: Reading '217's post (below) got me thinking: If clearance with your overhead doors can't be adjusted to work per the above, you might consider installing 'swing open' doors on the garage in place of the 'overhead' type. That might be easier/cheaper than the only other 2 options I can think of at the moment - raising the ceiling like '217 did [if the overhead joists will allow it]....or lowering the floor!) (Actually, there IS a 3rd option as well...moving! :lol)
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Mark II Lifetime
Jun 23, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta
At Mike's (Madinnc) suggestion, I got the Bendpak wide. The other option, as per Brian's (Stormcat) suggestion, was the rotary lift. But the Bendpak works for me. I was pleased when I visited Kendall and saw he's got bendpak's as well. It's great, and I use it just like you're planning on. Plus for storage in the winter here.

paul b

GT Owner
Nov 2, 2006
If you are saying your garage is 8' high, that isn't going to be high enough.


GT Owner
Dec 21, 2010
Washington State
Lifts used in my shop are from Back Yard Buddy. US built with either Canadian or US steel. When driving onto the ramps, there are a couple of inches of clearance between the cables that hoist the ramps vertically. When the ramps are above the car, there is ample room between the cars side-view mirrors and the lift's posts. Entry/egress to/from the car with ramps above the car might be a little problematic but once you bump your head a couple of times on the ramps, you will remember...

Since the head room is at 8' in your garage, the garage door opener may be an issue when your GT is on the lift. Might consider a wall mount opener if it is warranted. Also, as Pockets mentioned, the garage door hardware might be an issue. Dimensions are available from all the vendor.

The other feature I like about these lifts is that they can be fitted with wheels. You can move the lift out of doors if you choose to and roll it back into the garage when it comes time to put the lift away. Easily done and it is a one person job. DJ





GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Mar 13, 2010
Richmond Virginia
I am getting my second Rotary Revolution this week. no issues. I hear Backyard Buddy is good as well.


Totally ****** Up
Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Aug 2, 2006
Dallas, TX
I’ve got a lift in my garage too. No issues to speak of. It does make the space a little tighter and the likelihood of hitting your head on large iron rails is significantly increased.


2005 white/blue stripe
Jun 18, 2010
Rye Brook, New York
I got the Bendpak double wide so that I can store the 2 toys above the dailies. Great units at attractive pricing. I did have to raise the ceiling, move the garage door opener and rails, etc. You can see my garage and a few others at the contractors web site look at the installation photo section. Maybe get a few ideas from them;


Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 21, 2008
Houston Texas
I have a BYB and it's a nice lift. Costs a little extra but worth it.


GT Owner
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Feb 13, 2006
Scottsdale, Arizona

If your garage ceiling is indeed 8 feet, a lift would be a waste of money as you could not park another car below your GT. When your garage door is open it is lower than the ceiling which would (best case) make the clearance 7.5 feet or less. The GT is 44 inches high, every other car is taller than that, and the lift platform is 4" thick. Do the math and it just doesn't work with an 8" ceiling. I have a 4 post lift (Rotary Revolution) in my garage with a 10 foot ceiling and I think that is about the minimum.



GT Owner
Aug 30, 2011
Thanks for all the advice guys. Chip may be right, just not enough height.

I got the 3 car garage and workshop when we remodeled the house but the upgrade to raise the garage ceiling was another 50k due to roof problems.

Are there any medium rise service lifts worth looking at for a GT or am I destined to continue with jacks and stands as I have for 30 yrs?


There is a stowable single arm lift that you can use in a driveway. Have you thought about putting a nice garage door to the formal living or dining room?


GT Owner
Dec 5, 2010
31.022340° N / 44.846191° W
I have a Directlift.ca Pro Park 8...2 in fact....and they're great with triple safety and certified - see here!



GT Owner
Dec 21, 2010
Washington State
See this lift. Buy from Costco. Do a search on the forum for lift points on the GT. Have your garage floor tested to see if it is thick/strong enough to support using this type of lift. Problem solved....... DJ



GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
May 4, 2006
I have a Directlift.ca Pro Park 8...2 in fact....and they're great with triple safety and certified - see here!


+1 for Direct Lift. Just too bad you cannot use a lift in the garage due to ceiling limitations.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 18, 2006
Largo, Florida
Chip is 100% right. Here is a picture of my lift in a standard garage with an 8' ceiling. I had the lift installed in my attached garage while I was building my detached garage. The lift is of little use in a garage with an 8' ceiling. I could work under the cars with a rolling mechanic's chair, but that is about it. You will never store cars above and below, unless they have been put through the crusher first.



GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Aug 31, 2006
I have a Backyard buddy but I would say the word "ample" room between the posts and the mirrors is a little overstated. Solid and well built however.



GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 18, 2006
Largo, Florida
I have a Backyard buddy but I would say the word "ample" room between the posts and the mirrors is a little overstated. Solid and well built however.


That is one of the biggest problems with many lifts marketed for home use and makes for a good sphincter workout when you drive cars up or under the lift. The Rotary Lift in the picture above is the narrow version and still has a great deal of clearance on each side. Bottom line, get the tallest and widest lift that will fit in whatever space you have.
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GT Owner
Nov 2, 2005
SF Bay Area in California
Bottom line, get the tallest and widest lift that will fit in whatever space you have.
