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  1. A

    Pricing in next 5 years?

    I hear you GTJoey. The question isn’t about ‘investing’ in a GT or getting value back out of it. It’s simply that I planned to get serious about a purchase in the next 18months and was asking ‘the experts’ if they projected a price run up during that period. Whatever I buy won’t be re-sold...
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    Pricing in next 5 years?

    Thanks everyone for your replies. Greatly appreciated and I value your points. Need to quit putting this off and get serious about my search.
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    Pricing in next 5 years?

    Lately I’ve read from owners & fans on this forum, and other places, that the ‘05/06 could spike to $500k in the next 5 years. I’m curious what leads you to believe there will be another run up in price? I’m close to pulling the trigger. I’m looking and plan to make my first (and maybe last)...