I bought my Heritage GT back!!


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Nov 22, 2006
I sold my Heritage two weeks ago and saw it on EBAy Friday, so I bought it back! :banana:cheers:lol

Anyone thinking about selling your GT, especially if you bought it new like I did. Think long and hard, you will never drive a new GT off the showroom floor again (well...maybe someday for like $250,000 from a dealer saving one).

What a car!!!!!



GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Sep 9, 2006
You're crazy!

Glad that your car made it's way back into your garage.



Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
May 25, 2006
Ft. Lauderdale
Welcome back !!


GT Owner
May 17, 2007
Sarasota, FL
How much

How much did it cost you to sell and buy it back? Usually it is a money
losing proposition cause you sell and wholesale and buy at retail, but the GT
may be different.

Roger Vincent

GT Owner
May 31, 2006
Bowling Green, KY
That's a personal question.

How much did it cost you to sell and buy it back? Usually it is a money
losing proposition cause you sell and wholesale and buy at retail, but the GT
may be different.

Yes, we know that's a personal question, but one that's on everybody's mind! You can tell us, we won't tell anyone....


Le Mans 2010 Sponsor * Moderator
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 22, 2006
N.E. OH & Naples, FL
Good move!! I am always saddened when I hear of someone selling their GT.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Nov 22, 2006
How much?

Well, I'd rather not say exactly, could have been worse, could have been better, but i'll keep that between the seller and myself. But I will say that I am fortunate the seller was reasonable. I made a mistake selling that GT and realized there wasn't another car that could replace it.

I am a very lucky guy to get my car back!

Go Ford!!


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Nov 22, 2006
You're crazy!

Glad that your car made it's way back into your garage.


Thanks, coming from a Syco, I'll take that as a compliment!

Good to be back!


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Sep 9, 2006
Thanks, coming from a Syco, I'll take that as a compliment!

Good to be back!

Even a Syco isn't crazy enough to sell a GT.

But, you did have the good sense to buy it back. That must have been a tough decision.

No matter what it cost, I'm sure you won't ever regret buying it back.:thumbsup


GT Owner/Vendor
Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 24, 2006
St Augustine, Florida
Good call man !


Active member
Mar 1, 2007
I sold my Heritage two weeks ago and saw it on EBAy Friday, so I bought it back! :banana:cheers:lol

Anyone thinking about selling your GT, especially if you bought it new like I did. Think long and hard, you will never drive a new GT off the showroom floor again (well...maybe someday for like $250,000 from a dealer saving one).

What a car!!!!!


Yes there is a brand new one in my town that's owned by the owner of the dealership. He lets it sit in the showroom to attract people, which is just fine to me. I was told he will sell it in that condition when he feels the time is right.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Dec 3, 2006
Yes there is a brand new one in my town that's owned by the owner of the dealership. He lets it sit in the showroom to attract people, which is just fine to me. I was told he will sell it in that condition when he feels the time is right.

Only if Tim Cantwell doesn't get to it first! just joking ... keep you eyes on the prize and you'll get there.

good luck

Kirby Vieira

GT Owner/B.o.D
Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 22, 2005
Great story. Congratulations!


Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 5, 2005
Fresno, Ca.
welcome back from the dark side.

Roger Vincent

GT Owner
May 31, 2006
Bowling Green, KY
Good for you

Well, I'd rather not say exactly, could have been worse, could have been better, but i'll keep that between the seller and myself. But I will say that I am fortunate the seller was reasonable. I made a mistake selling that GT and realized there wasn't another car that could replace it.

I am a very lucky guy to get my car back!

Go Ford!!

I am impressed, I don't know how many times I have sold a car and had major regrets. At last, someone who had the courage to go back and get it! Bravo!

FlorIdaho Chris

Yeah, I've got one.
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Welcome home. Hope you didn't take too much of a hit.


GT Owner
Staff member
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 13, 2006
Scottsdale, Arizona
For true enthusiasts sitting on the fence.

Last weekend at the rally in Newport Beach, participants attended the cars and coffee event where nearly a thousand high-performance and exotic cars may be viewed. This was my opportunity to examine various exotics to find a desirable make and model to add to my small but growing collection. I had just spent two days driving in groups of 20 plus GTs all over Southern California. At cars and coffee I was struck by a couple things. First, Ferraris from the 1970s to the present do not appear to age very well. The 308's, Testarosa's, and the F50 that looked great to me when they came out, look kind of goofy today. The Ferrari interiors on even low mileage cars all looked worn and disheveled. That super soft leather and wool carpeting doesn't seem to hold up very well. I was standing directly behind a red Testarosa when its owner fired it up. It sounded like a V6 Audi to me. Thoroughly uninspiring. Then, from clear across the parking lot I heard a Ford GT fire up with a snarl that made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. To my eye, the car that has aged with the least amount of grace, is the Lamborghini Countach. At the time it came out I thought it looked pretty good too, most exotic. Looking at that car through my 51-year-old eyes today, it looks clownish. Like the car a young boy would draw trying his hardest to tack things on to make it look even more exotic. The red Ferrari Enzo on display there was really cool, but there was nothing classic about it either. Today, I am contemplating buying a second Ford GT.

I have, on three occasions, been rear-ended at an intersection. Fortunately, never in my GT, but this is always a fear every time I drive it. This would result in a true nightmare, the loss of my GT. I've got to have a spare!

So I say to those of you out there sitting on the fence, trying to decide if you would like a Ford GT or perhaps something else. There is nothing else like the Ford GT, there is nothing else comparable to the Ford GT Forum, and there is no other owner group in the entire automotive world comparable to those fortunate caretakers of the "less than 3800 remaining" Ford GT's.

I'm glad you bought your car back. I doubt you'll let it get away again. I possess but a few things today that I know I will still own until the day I die. My yellow GT is one of those few items. It is listed in my will to be passed on to my son Charley.

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The Favor Factory™
Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
Dead on as usual Chip. They just don't make cars like this anymore.

I can look at an F430 or a Gallardo and think "cool", but if I really look, I can tell the design isn't exactly beautiful and definitely won't age well. The Countach is by FAR the worst example. I know the GT will look great in 20 years because the original looks just as good 40 years on...

Congrats Metalman. What an experience :banana


GT Owner
May 17, 2007
Sarasota, FL
Well guys, at the minimum when my wife thinks I'm crazy for buying and loving this car, I tell her about the really crazy guys that have more than 1 and up to 4 and guys that sell, regret and buy back. Now I look almost sane. Still have to figure out how to justify the need for more power though!


Proud Owner/ BOD blah bla
Mark IV Lifetime
Feb 14, 2006
North Carolina
Sorry you left..... but even more glad your back.

That "GT PERMA Grin" is a treat served to few and as you proven very hard if not impossible to copy :cheers