ClearPlex Who's In


Ford GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 4, 2007
Niceville FL
Thanks Trent. I plan to make a few stops to visit friends/family on my way back to FL and I went to this web site and found quite a few installers near my stops.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 9, 2012
Myakka City, Florida
Skins received. Installation Friday morning. Wish me luck! ;)

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GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Hi Trent,

PayPal sent.. Thank you setting this up.



GT Owner
Staff member
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 13, 2006
Scottsdale, Arizona
Is it too late to buy one of these?



Heritage GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Mine Arrived - Thanks Trent
Mine Arrived - Thanks Trent

So did mine! Thanks!


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Mar 13, 2010
Richmond Virginia
I have one on the Aventador. My X Pel film guy did it and I watched. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE SOMEONE WHO KNOWS WHAT THEY ARE DOING.

He shut all the doors and turned off the air so nothing would get under the film. He said GTs are harder and he has not done mine yet. Don't freak out if you feel like you are getting a migraine on the first drive--it takes a bit of time to heal and having it out in the sun helped mine as well as drying my car with a Master Balster with warm heat. I'd say mine took 2 days before it was not noticable . Can't tell its there now.

I guess the fun is over when something chips the film (like X Pel) but at least the glass is saved


Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Trent, I received mine yesterday, Thanks Buddy.

Not 4N

Tungsten GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 5, 2006
Calgary AB
Not a problem Chip. I have you on the list on page one so I have one here for you. Would you like me to ship it or get it to you at R10?


Is it too late to buy one of these?



GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 9, 2012
Myakka City, Florida
Install done. I will withhold judgment and a review of clarity and installation durability until after the 72 hour curing time. Moisture needs to evaporate and the adhesive needs to cure.

I will say for now that the installation was not easy.

The skin came trimmed perfectly with about 1/8" gap around the edges. The curve of the skin to the windshield looked good on a trial fit, before pulling off the backing to expose the adhesive.

The installer seemed to generally follow the procedure in the instructional video linked above. All looked to be going well until he squeegeed the top and bottom where the glass has the most curve. Then it became like slo mo whack-a-mole. He would press down a bubble and another would pop up. Press that down and the other would pop up again. He's trying to keep everything wet so that it doesn't set up too soon, moving from side to side and top to bottom. After a long while, the swearing began. Him, not me. Shit! Shit!

Eventually, he had to use quite a bit of heat gun to shrink the problem areas. Finally, everything stuck.

Curiously, the owner of the shop did not know that he is listed by ClearPlex as a certified installer. The only one in Florida. Maybe it's because he buys a lot of flat sheet stock from ClearPlex. He says almost all of his installations are on race cars, or street cars that are tracked a lot.

He has it on his DD, a BMW M4. After about one year, with the car not being garaged, the ClearPlex is in poor condition. It clearly saved his glass from some stone chips, but it had lots of crazing and scratches, including from windshield wipers.

ClearPlex says "Apply ClearX HD quarterly or prior to long road trips to improve performance and maintain the ClearPlex." Here's a link to this product. Despite what the website says, this was not included with my skin. No installation tools either. Probably, our group buy is not the same as custom fit kits.

Finally, the shop I used is highly regarded for clear bra installations. Lots of high end stuff in the lot and shop. Very busy. Even so, ClearPlex installation is not something they do often. I still believe that a window tint shop is preferable to a clear bra shop, but I would strongly advise finding someone with ClearPlex experience. I'm not sure there is any other film that behaves quite like this heavy (4 mil I think) film does. And, two guys working together (as in the video) would be much better than one guy running back and forth.

Here's hoping I can see clearly three days from now.

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Not 4N

Tungsten GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 5, 2006
Calgary AB
Below is my post from last spring when we started this & I Offered to bring in the bottle with the film but it was quickly dreamed to costly. Lowest price wins the war and the film is identical if you would have ordered a kit but like you mentioned they don't send tools because they are provided by the installer not the end user receiving the film.

A small amount of tunnelling or fingers is normal for wet application and is easily removed as the film dries. Since your installer installs off of the roll I am surprised this was a challenge to him.

If the wet solution was right I am sure you will be more than happy with the result & I look forward to your review. If it wasn't right then I am going back to the Mustang forum. :biggrin

Hey Gary my apologies for not getting back to this sooner burning the candle at both ends right now moving my business.

I did make a deal with ClearPlex if we can get the order to 20 units. For pre-formed, pre-cut skins the cost is $195.00 & includes a 4oz bottle of ClearX HD. This is a liquid treatment you can apply to the film to maintain scratch resistance as well as seal it to make grime, bird droppings, bugs, etc. easier to remove. I will also work on getting the approved installers list from them as well.

I can ship from here and if we use FedEx or UPS ground it is quite reasonable.



GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 9, 2012
Myakka City, Florida

My installer was not the shop owner, and I don't think he was the most experienced guy. He was definitely sweating (literally) the job. At one point I thought he was going to give up. Later, he suggested putting clear nail polish on the bottom edge to keep it down. Not something I wanted to hear.

No criticism over the ClearX HD and tools intended! Just wanted to point out to anyone who watched the installation video that we did not order the full "custom kit," so don't think something is missing.

EDIT: The ClearX HD ordered from ClearPlex is expensive. 4 oz with shipping = >$30. Would a helmet visor cleaner like Plexus serve the same purpose?
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GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Nov 28, 2005
Arrived! Thanks Trent!


GT Owner
May 14, 2010
San Diego
Gary, how is it looking now? Will be anxious to see it at the rally.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 4, 2006
Belleville, IL
When we drove to VIR I got some kind of grease from a semi all over mine. When I got home I found that I plain toothpaste cleaned it perfectly. FWIW


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Just had my install done at Protective Film Solutions, Scottsdale. The factory fit and cut was pretty close, a little trimming and a few moments with a heat gun. Driving back to Sedona, though not nauseating due to bubbles and distortion in the film from water that needs to dry out, was noticeable, and actually better after arriving home. Needs 72 hours to dry out. Will report again at that time. Install took just over an hour, $250. Robbie and Cory knew what they were doing. I was their fourth GT, the others done from flat film with all the heating and trimming needed so I would say our buy helped, a lot. This went on a one month new windshield. I don't want to go through that replacement again.
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Ed Sims

GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 7, 2006
When we drove to VIR I got some kind of grease from a semi all over mine. When I got home I found that I plain toothpaste cleaned it perfectly. FWIW

I hope that toothpaste had fluoride!



GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 9, 2012
Myakka City, Florida
I promised to post my results. I took the GT for a spin today. It has been five days since the ClearPlex installation.

From the outside, a casual observer probably would not know there was plastic on the glass. On close inspection you can see the trim line around the edge, but really, this is not an appearance issue.

The skin has adhered very well. No bubbles. It looks crystal clear. Completely acceptable to my anal self.

Out of the garage and into the driveway in bright sun it looked pretty good from the driver seat. Then I put on my polarized sunglasses. The world became very gay.


The intensity of this effect varies with angle to the sun, but is always there to some degree.

The prismatic effect is NOT there with non-polarized glasses or no glasses.

While driving, there is some noticeable distortion that is very much like heat shimmer. Hot climate guys may say "I live with worse than that every day." It's annoying to me, but maybe I will get used to it. Or maybe not.

The "heat shimmer" distortion is worse through the lower third of the windshield, which is my line of sight. I know there are a few of you who share my line of sight.

If your view is through the middle third of the windshield, I think the distortion may be less noticeable.

If your view is through the top third of the windshield, you have probably bumped your head a lot and have other problems as a result.

My view:


A taller person's view:


None of the heat shimmer effect is visible while the car is not moving. The prismatic effect is worsened while driving, because it is constantly changing shape and pattern. Kind of like your own personal aurora borealis.

So...for me it will take some time to see if I can live with this. Possibly, my expectations were set too high. The question becomes, is the loss of optical quality balanced by the gain in windshield protection? I'm not sure yet.

P.S. My installer had never done a customer supplied skin. He charges $450 for installation with flat sheet that he supplies. He asked me if $200 was ok. I said yes. Two hours labor.

P.P.S. I took the photos with a polarizing filter on my DSLR. It looks exactly the same with polarized sunglasses.
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GT Owner
Jul 26, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
I promised to post my results. I took the GT for a spin today. It has been five days since the ClearPlex installation.

From the outside, a casual observer probably would not know there was plastic on the glass. On close inspection you can see the trim line around the edge, but really, this is not an appearance issue.

The skin has adhered very well. No bubbles. It looks crystal clear. Completely acceptable to my anal self.

Out of the garage and into the driveway in bright sun it looked pretty good from the driver seat. Then I put on my polarized sunglasses. The world became very gay.

View attachment 39007

The intensity of this effect varies with angle to the sun, but is always there to some degree.

The prismatic effect is NOT there with non-polarized glasses or no glasses.

While driving, there is some noticeable distortion that is very much like heat shimmer. Hot climate guys may say "I live with worse than that every day." It's annoying to me, but maybe I will get used to it. Or maybe not.

The "heat shimmer" distortion is worse through the lower third of the windshield, which is my line of sight. I know there are a few of you who share my line of sight.

If your view is through the middle third of the windshield, I think the distortion may be less noticeable.

If your view is through the top third of the windshield, you have probably bumped your head a lot and have other problems as a result.

My view:

View attachment 39008

A taller person's view:

View attachment 39009

None of the heat shimmer effect is visible while the car is not moving. The prismatic effect is worsened while driving, because it is constantly changing shape and pattern. Kind of like your own personal aurora borealis.

So...for me it will take some time to see if I can live with this. Possibly, my expectations were set too high. The question becomes, is the loss of optical quality balanced by the gain in windshield protection? I'm not sure yet.

P.S. My installer had never done a customer supplied skin. He charges $450 for installation with flat sheet that he supplies. He asked me if $200 was ok. I said yes. Two hours labor.

P.P.S. I took the photos with a polarizing filter on my DSLR. It looks exactly the same with polarized sunglasses.

The plastic itself is acting as a polarizer. So when your polarized glasses or lens and the angle of the polarization from the film line up you will get some pattern interference. (I remember this from optics in my Physics degree). Try to take your polarized glasses and rotate them through 180* and see what other patterns show up. Chances are at some angle other areas will show the effect that do not at the angle you have selected.

P.S. Your observation that the interference changes as the car moves is consistent with the adhesion of the film - it will flex.
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GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 9, 2012
Myakka City, Florida
Tony, Yes, this is an interference pattern. Tilting my head changes the patterns. Turning my head 90 degrees to the side may even make the patterns disappear. Hard to hold my head sideways for long. ;)