OK Guys.....what is this?


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 4, 2006
Belleville, IL
It might be a clamshell spacer for the rear fascia. It is kind of cardboard?

the Wizard

GT Owner
Jul 16, 2012
Los Angeles
No it's hard.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 18, 2006
Largo, Florida
Ross, I wouldn't give it another thought. It is the spacer for the power steering pump. As long as you have all four on the pump, you are good to go. The fact that it has RTV sealant indiscriminately smeared all over it identifies the former owner of your car as Rube Goldberg.

the Wizard

GT Owner
Jul 16, 2012
Los Angeles
OK, I agree.....but that was still good info and a good lesson on a relatively new car to me. So thanks all!