i'm ready--who else is ?????????


Permanent Vacation
Oct 14, 2005
new jersey
well--#1451 red/white is all cleaned up and ready to go
the trailer is all set up and half the bags are packed--lol
leaving tuesday night around 10-12 should arrive wed around 6-8pm
hopefully the only thing i will forget is the wife --lol
who else is ready and has anyone thought of some last minute things to bring along ??
i'll be bringing the cars hard copy book and some posters to have signed
look forward to seeing all the potential attendees post on this thread !!

#1451 red/white


GT Owner
Oct 19, 2005
London, UK
And I hope you all have a fabulous and memorable trip........ At the same time I shall be travelling to the South of France in my GT and, eventually, over the Millau Bridge.

I shall think of you all and will raise a glass of something (probably Montrachet!) to you and am really looking forward to seeing the photographs when I return in late August.

Please do all drive carefully - there's proably something approaching 40,000 horse power on the road, enough to power a small village!

Enjoy! :cheers Neil

PS Let me know who wins the signed artwork I sent over for this trip....


Permanent Vacation
Oct 14, 2005
new jersey
thx for the reply neil
you will be with us in spirit and not be forgotten
post some pictures of your trip through france, especially some of the slinky scenery--lol

#1451 red/white