3rd Brake Light MOD: GT safety


GT Owner #1872
Mark II Lifetime
Jan 7, 2007
Central, Illinois
With all the recent accidents that have been happening, I thought I'd try to do something proactive and potentially be safer out on the street. This mod flashes only the third brake light, 4 times in the first second of pedal pressure. If the brakes continues to be applied, the light turns to a steady red as normal. I find this a good way to alert those behind you when you are slowing down. Just an added precaution to prevent getting rear-ended. It is a simple plug in, all OEM connectors, and can be reversed anytime in 20 seconds. It looks stock (no one will notice it there), unless you point it out to them. I have included a video to see what it looks like. Give me your thoughts.:thumbsup



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GT Owner/Vendor
Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 24, 2006
St Augustine, Florida
Nice !


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 26, 2007
Florida/North Jersey
I think I like it.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Aug 18, 2005
Frisco, Tx
very nice Jdoc...Me Likey...I have always worried about the idiot thats looking at the car and not the brake lights....is there a way to make it flash for more than 4 pulses? Say for 15 seconds?



GT Owner #1872
Mark II Lifetime
Jan 7, 2007
Central, Illinois
very nice Jdoc...Me Likey...I have always worried about the idiot thats looking at the car and not the brake lights....is there a way to make it flash for more than 4 pulses? Say for 15 seconds?


Yes, the flashing time can be prolonged but is not recommended. Just imagine how annoying that would be to people behind you in stop-n-go traffic, flashing for 15 seconds everytime you pressed the brake pedal. I went with 4 flashes/second because it is enough signal to get someone's attention without becoming obtrusive to fellow road-goers. Kinda like headlights: they can be as bright as you want them to be but will piss off a lot of people!:thumbsup


2006 Twin Turbo
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
very nice Jdoc...Me Likey...I have always worried about the idiot thats looking at the car and not the brake lights....is there a way to make it flash for more than 4 pulses? Say for 15 seconds?


It's illegal in Texas to have a flashing red light on anything other than an emergency vehicle. 4 flashes would likely be overlooked but 15 seconds would probably get you a face to face with Johnny Law sooner or later.:lol

P.S. I like it but don't think it's needed. I've not seen any GTs totaled from the ass end yet but maybe I missed them.
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FlorIdaho Chris

Yeah, I've got one.
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
I used to run a similar setup on my motorcycles. It is a really good idea IMHO.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Oct 24, 2005
jdoc7 ,
I think its a great idea ! The fact it protects are gals rear end ,well that's a good thing!! Sign me up for one please!!
How do you like the stillen venturi tunnels?


Proud Owner/ BOD blah bla
Mark IV Lifetime
Feb 14, 2006
North Carolina
Should help if you had the "bumper butt" removed :rofl


Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 5, 2005
Fresno, Ca.
one for me, please.
great addition! thanks Doc


2006 Twin Turbo
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Is this something you designed or is it commercially available?

Chris A.

GT #32
Mark II Lifetime
Feb 6, 2007
Ortega Mountain, CA
Soooooo......where can we buy one.

And thanks for sharing your great idea:thumbsup


Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
I like it!! Add one for me as well if they are going to be available:thumbsup It will help with safety as Santa is sending me a bumper delete kit:banana


Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Dec 10, 2005
Fort Worth, TX
I have a similar setup (Hyperlite) on my BMW K-1200GT motorbike. Anything to get the attention of cars behind you. This looks like a plug in mod. Count me in for one....Gotta protect my nekkid backside. AC


GT Owner/B.O.D
Mark IV Lifetime
Dec 13, 2005
Sandpoint Id
I run this set-up on both my bikes. Harley shops sell a kit for about $40 that I would think could be adapted without much problem. It's called "Back OFF" www.signaldynamics.com
Great idea jdoc7.:thumbsup
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GT Owner #1872
Mark II Lifetime
Jan 7, 2007
Central, Illinois
Hey Guys, thanks for the feedback. I'm glad most of you think it is worth doing. If it can grab someone's attention a split second faster and deter an accident, than it's worth it! All the stuff that I used to make this thing are available to anyone over the internet. I made this specifically for myself and did not have any intentions on making more and distributing them, so your PM's and interest in getting one were surprising. However, I did document the DIY with pictures and have provided all the parts needed so you can do it yourself.


1) Inline Brake pulse circuit. I purchased mine from www.gominigo.com for $25.00 as you will see in the pics, it is not encased in anything. Also, it only works with LED lighting as in the GT. I'm sure the "BACK-OFF" device will work just the same but I am just documenting what I did.

2) WPT-159 Pigtail kit (will be referred to as 'Harness side') $19.00 from FORD dealer
3) WPT-693 Pigtail kit (will be referred to as 'Light side') $25.00 from FORD dealer
4) Lip Stick Case (WIFE WAS PISSSSSED!):biggrin $??.00 from.....Heck if I know
5) Electrical Tape $.50 from under the kitchen sink
6) Black Velcro $0.00 from cool neighbor

Here's what the device looks like next to some pennies to give you an idea on size.


Here's a picture of WPT-159 'Harness side' pigtail and packaging



Here's a picture of WPT-693 'Light side' pigtail with packaging



Here's a picture of the wife's lipstick case. It is 3 inches long and 3/4 inch wide/high. It was the perfect length and heigth for the device. I chose this because it was easy to access the inside, all the innards could be removed, the device easily slides in, and it was compact. If you know of anything else that would work, please post your ideas.


Here's a picture of it open with the red stuff taken out.


See how nice it fits in?


You need to drill a hole on each end of the case. The harness side has thicker gauge wire and required a 13/64" hole while the light side has a thinner gauge wire and needed a 5/32" hole. (no pics, self explanatory)

Now just cut the wires to your preferred length, stick them in the holes and attach them to the brake pulse device. Make sure you attach them correctly. The connections are labeled +/- on the device. Connections are simple screws. Here are pics showing you the positive wires on the pigtails.



Snap the case shut. Because the case I used had the perfect dimensions, the device did not move or rattle around at all inside. Also, with the wires hooked up to it, it became much more rigid inside the case. Wrap the case with electrical tape. Stick on some good ole' velcro on the top that will stick to the underside of the clamshell. Plug it in, and Voila!




So, for around $70.00, you have a cool mod that will keep you safer on the road! Job well done!:thumbsup:thumbsup:thumbsup Stay tuned for a cool radar mount with easy direct wiring (no more cords!!)
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GT Owner
Nov 2, 2005
SF Bay Area in California
Thanks you for the DIY information. However, one word off caution. I haven't had much luck with the glue used on Velcro staying put under heat. I used it for a heavy radar detector before and it keep getting unglued in hot sunlight! The engine compartment may also have a similar issue.



Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
May 25, 2006
Ft. Lauderdale
Thanks for sharing !! Does this unit have a delay for stop and go driving? Also ,in lieu of the lip stick case you could probably just slip some shrink wrap tube over the whole unit and end up with an even smaller package.. Either way, great find & great write up !! :thumbsup
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GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 4, 2006
Belleville, IL
Cigar tube. Ask Bony or MAD in NC for proper sizes.


Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
May 25, 2006
Ft. Lauderdale
Cigar tube. Ask Bony or MAD in NC for proper sizes.

Ya, just watch where you put it !!! And don't leave it on the drivers seat..:rofl